
台风作用下儋州泊潮渔港波浪数值模拟研究 被引量:1

Numerical Study on the Wave Field of Bochao Fish Port in Danzhou under Typhoon
摘要 为充分保证港内渔船的停泊及避风安全,对于频繁受到台风影响的渔港,考虑在台风作用下港内及周边水域的波高分布情况,是渔港建设规划设计阶段面临的一项重要内容。结合海南儋州泊潮渔港地理位置及自然条件,采用MIKE21 SW模型,在台风浪计算模型验证可靠的基础上,对工程附近海域及港内的波况进行了数值模拟计算,得到了在台风作用下,计算海域不同重现期的特征波高及分布情况,数值计算结果可以为渔港的规划设计及渔船安全避风提供积极的参考。 The distribution of wave field in the fish port and its nearby water area is an important factor for the planning of the fish port especially for that often encounters the typhoon, which should apply the shelter place for the fishing boats. Based on the SW model of MIKE21, the calculation model of typhoon wave is verified with the conditions of the Bochao Fish Port in Danzhou city Hainan Province. The wave field is simulated under typical typhoons with the same model, and the results will be a good reference for the shelter area plan of the fishing boat in typhoon season.
作者 张毅 杨钰 刘昌凤 ZHANG Yi;YANG Yu;LIU Chang-feng(Construction Project Quality and Safety Supervision Service Center of Dalian, Dalian 116013, China;School Ocean and Civil Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China)
出处 《大连大学学报》 2019年第3期28-32,共5页 Journal of Dalian University
关键词 台风 数值模拟 波浪 渔港 typhoon numerical simulation wave fish port
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