

Content and Mechanism of China-Ethiopia Cooperation in Clean Energy
摘要 中国与埃塞俄比亚在清洁能源领域展开了广泛的合作,双方在工程承包、技术转让、人才培养以及资金支持方面有了初步的发展。中埃清洁能源合作的机制有中非合作论坛和双边合作协定,但也存在着合作层次较低、缺乏专门的合作机制等问题。双方应不断完善合作机制,以产能合作为契机,拓展技术、人才领域的合作空间,促进双边合作向深层次、宽领域发展。 China and Ethiopia have carried out extensive cooperation in the field of clean energy, and have made initial developments in engineering contracting, technology transfer, personnel training and financial support. China-Ethiopia clean energy cooperation mechanism includes China-Africa Cooperation Forum and the Bilateral Cooperation Agreements. But there are some low level co-operations and specialized cooperation mechanisms are needed. The two sides should constantly improve the cooperation mechanism, taking the opportunity of capacity cooperation, to expand the cooperation in the field of technology and talents, thus better promote the development of cooperation.
作者 郭元飞 张聪杰 GUO Yuan-fei;ZHANG Cong-jie(Party History and Party Construction of Research Office,Party School of the CPC Yuxi Municipal Party Committee,Yuxi,Yunnan 653100,China;School of Politics and History, Cangzhou Normal University,Cangzhou,Hebei 061001,China)
出处 《沧州师范学院学报》 2019年第3期96-99,共4页 Journal of Cangzhou Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“逆全球化背景下的本土化运动研究”,编号:18BGJ040
关键词 中国 埃塞俄比亚 清洁能源 中非合作论坛 China Ethiopia Clean Energy China-Africa Cooperation Forum
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