经野外调查、采集标本与鉴定分析 ,汉中地区汉水流域共有水生维管植物 69种 ,包括蕨类植物 3种 ,种子植物 66种 ,分别隶属于 32科 48属。其中挺水植物 41种 ,浮水及浮叶植物 1 1种 ,沉水植物 1 7种。66种种子植物分别隶属于 46属 ,有 7种地理分布类型 ,其中以世界分布类型成分居多 ,共 2 1属 ,占本地区水生种子植物总属数的 45.7% ;热带分布类型成分 1 3属 ,占 2 8.3% ;温带分布类型 1 2属 ,占 2 6.0 %。调查分析发现 8种该区域的新分布种 ,即 :竹叶眼子菜、南方眼子菜、小茨藻、大茨藻、水毛花、穗花狐尾藻、有梗石龙尾和狸藻 ;新记录属 4个 ,即 :茨藻属、狐尾藻属、石龙尾属和狸藻属 ;新记录科 2个 ,即 :茨藻科和小二仙草科。
Based on the preliminary survey and analysis,there are 69 species water vascular plants which include 3 species pteridophyte,66 species seed plants and belong to 32 families 48 genera at the Han River basin in Hanzhong,Shaanxi Province.In these plants,41 species belong to straight hydrophyte,11 species belong to natant hydrophyte and 17 species are submersed hydrophyte.The 66 species seed plants belong to 46 genera and 7 areal type of genera of seed plants.There are 21 genera which belong to cosmopolitan type,13 genera belong to the tropical type and 12 genera belong to the temperate type.Through analysis we have discovered that in this region there are eight new recorded species which are Potamogeton crispus,P.octandrus,Najas minor,N.Marina,Scirpus triangulates,Myriophyllum spicatum,Limnophila india and Utricularia vulgaris ;four new recorded genera which are Najas,Myriophyllum,Limnophila and Utricularia ,two new recorded familis which are Najadaceae and Haloragidaceae.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
陕西省教育厅专项基金资助项目 ( 99JK110 )