麦金太尔总体上认为当今处于一种“黑暗”的时代 ,需要得到拯救 ,这种思想与海德格尔极其一致 ,被称作“末世论” ,但遭到了福柯 (后期 )严厉的批判。充斥在当代文化精神世界的种种“末世论”论调 ,不过是思想流亡时代史诗般的传说而已。
Alasdair MacIntyre reckons current time as a 'dark time' like the historical one that needs salvation. This viewpoint can be called eschatology, which apparently is derived from M. Heidegger's thought, and it received grim critiques from M. Foucault. The eschatological theme congested in the modern intellectual world is not but a legendry in the age of ideological exile.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University