

The Controlled Release Properties of Konjac Glucmannan-Graft-Polyacrylic Acid/Kaolin Composites
摘要 以水溶液聚合法制备了魔芋接枝丙烯酸/高岭土复合材料。正交试验分析结果表明:在高岭土用量为20%、反应温度为80℃、丙烯酸中和度为70%、N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺用量为0.06%、过硫酸钾用量为0.6%的条件下,制备的魔芋接枝丙烯酸/高岭土复合材料吸蒸馏水倍率最高,为723.3 g/g。以布洛芬为模型药物,研究了不同p H值的缓冲溶液中载药复合材料的释药性能,结果表明:载药复合材料在p H值为7.4的缓冲溶液中的累积释药百分数明显高于p H值为1.2时,为76.47%。利用Ritger-peppas公式模型对复合材料释药性能进行拟合,复合材料对布洛芬的释放机理符合Fick扩散。红外光谱(FTIR)表明:魔芋、丙烯酸、高岭土和布洛芬发生了相互作用,共同参与了接枝聚合反应;扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析表明:布洛芬已经负载在魔芋接枝丙烯酸/高岭土复合材料中。 A novel superabsorbent composite of konjac glucmannan-graft-polyacrylic acid/kaolin using konjac glucmannan(KGM), acrylic acid, and kaolin was synthesized by aqueous solution polymerization. The results show that when the content of kaolin is 20%, the dosage of N,N-methylene bis acrylamide is 0.06%, the dosage of potassium persulfate is 0.6%, the degree of neutralization of acrylic acid is 70% and reaction temperature is 80 ℃, respectively, the absorbancy of the composite was the highest, reaching 723.3 g/g. The drug release properties of the drug loaded composites in the buffer solution with different pH values were studied, using ibuprofen as a model drug. The experimental results showed that the cumulative release rate of the composites in the buffer solution of pH=7.4 was significantly higher than that in the solution of pH=1.2, which was76.47%. The Ritger-peppas formula model was used to fit the release properties of the composites, and the release mechanism of the composites to ibuprofen was in line with Fick diffusion. The structure and morphology of composites were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectra(FTIR)and scanning electron microscope(SEM). The results from FT-IR spectra showed that konjac glucmannan and kaolin participate in graft polymerization reaction with acrylic acid and ibuprofen. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analysis showed that ibuprofen had been loaded in konjac-g-polyacrylic acid/kaolin composites.
作者 胡盛 周红艳 冯驸 史伯安 胡卫兵 Hu Sheng;Zhou Hongyan;Feng Fu;Shi Boan;Hu Weibing(Key Laboratory of Biologic Resources Protection and Utilization of Hubei Province,Hubei Minzu University,Enshi,Hubei 445000;School of Chemical and Environment Engineering,Hubei Minzu University,Enshi,Hubei 445000)
出处 《非金属矿》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期16-19,共4页 Non-Metallic Mines
基金 国家自然科学基金(31460172) 恩施州科技计划项目(D20180027) 生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室开放基金(PKLHB1709) 湖北民族学院博士启动基金(MY2017B023) 湖北省教育规划课题(2018GB034)
关键词 魔芋 高岭土 丙烯酸 布洛芬 释药性能 konjac glucmannan kaolin acrylic acid ibuprofen controlled release properties
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