
综合医疗绩效考核提升医疗质量与患者安全 被引量:8

Application of Performance Evaluation for Improving Medical Quality and-Patient Safety
摘要 医疗质量与患者安全是医院管理的永恒主题,通过绩效激励、引导临床科室的工作方向是医院管理的重要手段。北京协和医院建立的医疗绩效考核方案覆盖管理全程,包括医疗效率、医疗质控、患者安全管理、院感管理、医保管理和患者满意度等考核内容,实行按季度考核-反馈的绩效管理模式。经过几年的运行,起到了显著地管理效果,实现精细化管理。质量与安全管理考核方案的实施,既起到了对医院和科室管理效果的评价作用,也起到了管理风向标和指挥棒的引导作用。在全院范围内形成了人人有主动的安全意识,处处有量化目标的管理文化。 Medical quality and patient safety is the eternal subject of hospital management.Using management methods to encourage and guide the management direction of clinical departments is an important means of hospital management. The performance evaluation management program of Peking Union Medical College Hospital covers the whole course of management procedure. The main contents of the performance evaluation are the efficiency of medical care, medical care quality control, patient safety management, hospital infection management, medical insurance management and patient satisfaction. The quarterly assessment-feedback performance management model is carried out. After several years’ operation, management outcome enhanced significantly and fine management has been realized. The implementation of quality and safety management assessment program not only plays the evaluation role to the effect of hospital and department management, but alsoplays the guiding role of management. The safety awareness that everyone has the initiative and the management culture that everywhere has the quantitative goals are formed in the entire hospital.
作者 陈政 范靖 黄鹂 陈倩 周炯 CHEN Zheng;FAN Jing;HUANG Li;CHEN Qian;ZHOU Jiong(Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing,100730 China)
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2019年第18期34-35,共2页 China Health Industry
关键词 医院管理 绩效考核 医疗质量与患者安全 Hospital management Performance evaluation Medical quality and patient safety
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