
聚谷氨酸产生菌的选育及生产条件研究 被引量:1

Studies on the Selection of Poly-glutamic Acid Producing Strain and Production Research
摘要 本文利用谷氨酸依赖型菌Bacillus licheniformis CGMCC3336为出发菌株,通过纯化培养,诱变,高盐-高温复合筛选手段得到高转化率菌株TKBCPG-009;经过200L、20T发酵罐上的逐级放大生产实验验证,TKBCPG-009菌株能将发酵底物谷氨酸钠的转化率分别提高了14%,16%。 In this paper,the existing glutamate-dependent Bacillus licheniformis CGMCC3336 in the laboratory was used as the starting strain.The strain TKBCPG-009 with high conversion rate was obtained through purification culture,mutagenesis and high-salt-high-temperature combined screening.The composition and control methods of fermentation medium were determined through medium and process optimization.The production verification experiment of step by step amplification was carried out on 200 L tank and 20T tank.It can increase the conversion rate of fermentation substrate sodium glutamate by 14%and 16%.
作者 李雪 孙西予 李镇江 杨志刚 范祎立 乔长晟 LI Xue;SUN Xi-yu;LI Zhen-jiang;YANG Zhi-gang;FAN Yi-li;QIAO Chang-sheng(Tianjin Peiyang Biotrans Co.,ltd.,Tianjin 300457,China;Tianjin University of Science and Technology,College of Biotechnology,Tianjin 300457,China;Tianjin Food Green Manufacturing and Safety School Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Laboratory,Tianjin 300457,China;Sichuan Food Fermentation Industry Research And Design Institute,Chengdu Sichuan 611130,China)
出处 《食品与发酵科技》 CAS 2019年第4期28-33,共6页 Food and Fermentation Science & Technology
基金 天津市微生物代谢与发酵过程控制技术工程中心开放课题(ZXKF20180301) 天津市食品绿色制造及安全校企协同创新实验室建设(17PTSYJC00080) 滨海-中关村知行卓越创新创业实验室建设(17YFCZZC00310)
关键词 Γ-聚谷氨酸 诱变 放大生产 γ-poly glutamic acid mutagenesis production
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