
河南省种猪生产性能测定数据的分析与应用 被引量:1

Analysis and application of production performance measurement data of breeding pigs in Henan province
摘要 文章旨在分析河南省杜、长、大3个主流猪品种的生产性能测定数据,为今后开展全省猪联合育种工作奠定基础。研究利用河南省种猪遗传评估网数据库杜、长、大种猪生产性能测定数据,分析河南省25家种猪企业3个品种2014~2018年100 kg体重日龄、100 kg体重背膘、总产仔数和选择指数。育种值(EBV)和遗传参数分别采用最佳线性无偏预测法(BLUP)和约束极大似然方法(REML)进行分析。结果表明,2014~2018年,参加测定的种猪数量由54 507头增加到95 521头;杜、长、大种猪100 kg体重日龄表型和EBV分别由180.7、177.4、176.1和-0.04、-0.62和0.1进展至172.6、173.6、173.5和-1.77、-1.8和-1.3;100 kg体重背膘表型和EBV分别由10.9、11.9、11.6和-0.18、-0.06和-0.24进展至11.1、11.7、11.2和-0.27、-0.15和-0.36;总产仔数表型和EBV分别由9.13、11.15、11.49和0.02、-0.04和-0.03进展至9.5、13.8、12.82和0.01、0.03和-0.03;选择指数分别由103.3、100.9、101.1增加至112.1、107、106。分析表明,生产性能测定对种猪群的遗传改良具有重要作用,对于推动河南省猪联合育种具有重要的意义。 The study aimed to analyze the production performance data of three dominant pig breeds(Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire pigs), and to lay the foundation for future pig breeding in the whole province. In the study, the production performance data of three dominant pig breeds from Henan breeding pig genetic evaluation network database were used to analyze 100 kg body weight age, 100 kg body weight backfat, total litter size and selection index of three breeds from 25 pig breeding enterprises in Henan province from 2014 to 2018. The breeding values and genetic parameters for single herd and each genetic connectedness group were estimated by BLUP and REML,respectively.The results showed that the number of tested pigs were increased from 54 507 to 95 521 in 2014~2018. Compared to 2014, the age phenotype and EBV of 100 kg body weight for Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire pigs in 2018 were increased from 180.7, 177.4, 176.1 and-0.04,-0.62, 0.1 to 172.6, 173.6, 173.5 and-1.77,-1.8,-1.3;the backfat phenotype and EBV of 100 kg body weight were increased from 10.9, 11.9, 11.6 and-0.18,-0.06,-0.24 to 11.1, 11.7, 11.2 and-0.27,-0.15,-0.36;total litter size phenotype and EBV were increased from 9.13, 11.15, 11.49 and 0.02,-0.04,-0.03 to 9.5, 13.8, 12.82 and 0.01, 0.03,-0.03;the selection index was increased from 103.3, 100.9, 101.1 to 112.1, 107, 106. The analysis indicates that mensuration of production performance plays an important role in genetic improvement of breeding pigs, and has great significance for promoting pig breeding in Henan province.
作者 王献伟 张家庆 徐泽君 茹宝瑞 王晓锋 吴亚权 邢宝松 WANG Xian-wei;ZHANG Jia-qing;XU Ze-jun
出处 《饲料研究》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第8期116-119,共4页 Feed Research
基金 河南省财政预算科研专项项目(项目编号:2019CY015)
关键词 生产性能 100 kg体重背膘 100 kg体重日龄 总产仔数 选择指数 pig production performance 100 kg body weight backfat 100 kg body weight age total litter size selection index
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