
污染场地环境土壤监测点位的布设 被引量:7

The Layout of Environmental Soil Monitoring Points in Contaminated Sites
摘要 土壤监测作为污染场地环境监测治理与保护工作的一项基础内容,其点位布设的合理性、科学性与全面性将直接影响土壤监测结果,同时对于污染场地环境治理与保护工作的开展有非常重要的意义。相关人员要明确污染场地环境治理中开展土壤监测的重要意义,同时结合污染场地环境的实际情况,科学地选择监测点位布设方法,确保能够获取全面细致的数据,为污染场地的环境治理与保护提供全面的数据支撑。基于此,本文分析了污染场地环境土壤监测点位布设的重要意义,同时阐述了污染场地环境土壤监测点位布设的原则和方法。 Soil monitoring is a basic content of the environmental monitoring and management and protection of con?taminated sites.The rationality,scientificity and comprehensiveness of its location will directly affect the results of soil monitoring.Significance.Relevant personnel should clarify the significance of soil monitoring in the environmen?tal treatment of polluted sites,and at the same time,scientifically select the monitoring point layout method based on the actual situation of the polluted site environment to ensure that comprehensive and detailed data can be obtained to protect and control the environmental pollution Provide comprehensive data support.Based on this,this paper ana?lyzed the significance of the environmental soil monitoring point layout of contaminated sites,and elaborated the prin?ciples and methods of environmental soil monitoring site layout of contaminated sites.
作者 单文丽 李会杰 SHAN Wenli;LI Huijie(Henan Centre Testing International Group Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou Henan 450000)
出处 《河南科技》 2019年第32期153-155,共3页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 污染场地 土壤监测 点位布设 布设原则 布设方法 contaminated site soil monitoring point layout requirements of principle setting method
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