
原发性干燥综合征患者血清TPO及HPA的水平与其病情相关性的分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the correlation between serum TPO and HPA in patients with primary sjogren’s syndrome and their condition
摘要 目的:分析原发性干燥综合征患者血清促血小板生成素(TPO)和抗血小板特异性抗体(HPA)的水平与其病情的相关性.方法:选取2018年2月至2019年2月期间绵阳市中心医院收治的46例原发性干燥综合征患者及同期在该院进行体检的46例健康人作为研究对象.将其中46例原发性干燥综合征患者设为观察组,将其中46例健康人设为对照组.在观察组患者中,有22例患者血液中血小板的数量正常,将其设为血小板正常组;有24例患者血液中血小板的数量减少,将其设为血小板减少组.在三组受检者入院后,均对其进行血清TPO及HPA检测,比较其检测的结果.结果:对照组受检者血清TPO的水平低于血小板减少组患者和血小板正常组患者,P<0.05;其血清HPA的水平低于血小板减少组患者和血小板正常组患者,但组间相比,P>0.05.血小板减少组患者血清TPO及HPA的水平均高于血小板正常组患者,但二者相比,P>0.05.结论:原发性干燥综合征患者血清TPO的水平与其病情具有一定的相关性.该病患者和健康人血清HPA水平的差异不大,其血清TPO及HPA的水平与外周血中血小板数量的减少无明显的相关性. objective:to analyze the correlation between serum levels of thrombopoietin(TPO)and anti-platelet specific antibody(HPA)in patients with primary sjogren's syndrome and their condition.Methods:46 patients with primary sjogren*s syndrome admitted to mianyang central hospital from February 2018 to February 2019 and 46 healthy patients who underwent physical examination at the same time were selected as subjects.46 patients with primary sjogren's syndrome were set as the observation group,and 46 healthy patients were set as the control group.Among the patients in the observation group,22 patients had a normal number of platelets in their blood.A total of 24 patients had a decrease in the number of platelets in their blood and were assigned to the thrombocytopenia group.After admission,serum TPO and HPA were tested in all three groups,and the results were compared.Results:the level of serum TPO in the control group was lower than that in the thrombocytopenia group and the normal group,P<0.05.The serum HPA level was lower than that of the thrombocytopenia group and the normal platelet group,but P>0.05 was compared between the two groups.The levels of serum TPO and HPA in the thrombocytopenia group were higher than those in the normal platelet group,but P>0.05.Conclusion:the level of serum TPO in patients with primary sjogren's syndrome is correlated with their disease.There was no significant difference in serum HPA level between patients with this disease and healthy people,and there was no significant correlation between serum TPO and HPA levels and the decrease in the number of platelets in the peripheral blood.
作者 陈曦 Chen Xi(Clinical laboratory,mianyang central hospital,Mianyang Sichuan 621000)
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2019年第20期12-13,共2页
关键词 原发性干燥综合征 促血小板生成素 抗血小板特异性抗体 血小板减少 primary sjogren's syndrome Thrombopoietin Anti-platelet specific antibody thrombocytopenia
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