
不同干燥方式对牛肝菌品质及特性的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Quality and Characteristics of Boletus melasma
摘要 研究以黄褐牛肝菌为试验原料,采用热风干燥盒真空冷冻干燥方法对牛肝菌进行处理,研究不同干燥方法对牛肝菌的感官、质构特性、营养成分及微观结构等品质的影响。结果表明:质构方面,热风干燥制得的牛肝菌各指标均高于真空冷冻干燥;物理特性方面,真空冷冻干燥复水比和复原率均比热风干燥高,而收缩率比热风干燥低;营养成分方面,真空冷冻干燥制得的干品的灰分含量、多糖、粗蛋白及粗纤维均高于热风干燥,牛肝菌干品的粗脂肪变化不大;微观结构方面,真空冷冻干燥的牛肝菌与新鲜牛肝菌的表面呈多孔网状结构,热风干燥的牛肝菌细胞结构被破坏,其多孔网状结构变化不明显。真空冷冻干燥物理特性均优于热风干燥,且各项营养成分含量均高于热风干燥,真空冷冻干燥能更好的保持牛肝菌干品品质。 The sensory, texture characteristics, nutrient composition and microstructure of Boletus melasma treated by vacuum freeze drying method and hot air drying box were studied. The results showed that, in the terms of sensory aspect, vacuum freeze drying dried products were superior to hot-air drying in color, aroma and texture. In terms of texture properties, the indexes of Boletus produced by hot air drying were higher than that of vacuum freeze drying. In terms of physical properties, the ratio of rehydration and recovery of vacuum freeze drying was higher than that of hot air drying, while the shrinkage of vacuum freeze drying was lower than that of hot air drying. In the terms of nutritional component, the content of ash, polysaccharide, crude protein and crude fiber in vacuum freeze drying were higher than those in hot-air drying, and the crude fat of dried bovine liver bacteria did not change much. In terms of microstructure, the surface of vacuum freeze drying dried and fresh Boletus melasma showed porous reticular structure, and the cellular structure of hot-air-dried Boletus melasma was destroyed, but the change of porous reticular structure was not obvious. In summary, the physical properties of vacuum freeze drying were better than that of hot-air drying, and the contents of nutrients were higher than those of hot-air drying. Vacuum freeze drying could keep the dry quality of Boletus melasma better than that of hot-air drying.
作者 邓加聪 王志辉 童秋霞 李莉娟 郑虹 DENG Jiacong;WANG Zhihui;TONG Qiuxia;LI Lijuan;ZHENG Hong(School of Ocean and Biochemical Engineering,Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University,Fuqing 350300;Key Laboratory of Fujian University for Environmental Control and Control of Offshore Watershed Fujian Universities,Fuqing 350300;Colleges Engineering Research Center of Modern Facility Agriculture of Fujian University,Fuqing 350300)
出处 《食品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第11期6-9,共4页 The Food Industry
基金 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JT180634、JT180628) 福建省科技计划项目(2018-G-58) 福建省高等学校服务产业特色专业(食品科学与工程,闽教高[2016]24号) 福建省高等学校应用型学科建设(食品科学与工程学科,闽教高[2017]44号) 福建师范大学福清分校高级项目培育基金项目
关键词 热风干燥 真空冷冻干燥 牛肝菌 品质 hot air drying vacuum freeze drying Boletus melasma quality
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