
葡萄枝栽培金顶侧耳及其营养成分分析 被引量:9

Pleurotus citrinopileatus Cultivated on Grape Wood Branches and Its Nutrient Analysis
摘要 为了有效利用葡萄枝栽培金顶侧耳(Pleurotus citrinopileatus),对栽培流程和子实体品质进行分析。应用HACCP管理体系确立了栽培流程中的4个关键控制点(CCP),其中葡萄枝预处理(剪碎)、拌料和出菇管理3个步骤属于第一类CCP,灭菌步骤属于第二类CCP,两个CCP体现出了木腐菌生产的特点。子实体的营养成分检测表明,采用葡萄枝作为主料替代木屑获得的子实体干品中粗蛋白为28.2%~33.1%、粗纤维为10.9%~13.8%、粗多糖为4.52%~4.68%。进一步依据模式谱分析氨基酸营养特征发现,子实体必需氨基酸(IAA)含量为394.3~406.3 mg/g pro,其中优势必需氨基酸为赖氨酸(氨基酸评分得分最高)。安全性评估中未检出滴滴涕或六六六,重金属含量符合国家标准。 To effectively cultivate Pleurotus citrinopileatus on grape wood branches,the technological process and fruit body quality were analyzed.Based on the HACCP system,4 among all procedures in P.citrinopileatus cultivation were identified as critical control points(CCPs),including 3 first type CCPs(cutting treatment of grape wood branches,substrate blending,and fruiting management)and 1 second type CCP(sterilization).These CCPs showed the characteristics of wood-decay fungi production.Using grape wood branch as the main substrate to replace sawdust,crude protein,crude fiber,crude polysaccharide in dried fruit bodies were 28.2%-33.1%,10.9%-13.8%and 4.52%-4.68%,respectively.Further nutritional assessment for amino acids conducted according to reference patterns showed that the total indispensable amino acids(IAA)in fruit bodies were 394.3-406.3 mg/g pro,and lysine was the dominant IAA with the highest amino acid score.No DDT or hexachlorocyclohexane was detected in safety evaluation.The levels of the heavy metals were in compliance with the national standard.
作者 黄卫华 陈明杰 陈洪雨 陶祥生 HUANG Weihua;CHEN Mingjie;CHEN Hongyu;TAO Xiangsheng(Qingyuan Edible Fungi Research Center,Qingyuan,Zhejiang 323800,China;Institute of Edible Fungi,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Edible Fungi Resources and Utilization(South),Ministry of Agriculture,P.R.China,National Engineering Research Center of Edible Fungi,National R&D Center for Edible Fungi Processing,Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding of Shanghai,Shanghai 201403,China)
出处 《食用菌学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期64-71,共8页 Acta Edulis Fungi
基金 庆元县高层次人才项目(2017RC01)
关键词 金顶侧耳 葡萄枝 营养 氨基酸 Pleurotus citrinopileatus grape wood branch nutrition amino acid
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