
英国后殖民文学的伦理批评 被引量:3

Ethical Critism of British Postcolonial Literature
摘要 英国后殖民文学伦理学批评聚焦英国后殖民作家创作的伦理转向及其中的核心词“伦理时刻”和“失败与危机修辞”,提出并解决如下问题:1、受过良好西方教育的英国后殖民作家是否是为西方殖民政治和殖民伦理摇旗呐喊的“戴着白色面具的黑人”?2、在后殖民语境下,殖民伦理以何种方式得以延续,被压抑的殖民历史如何复现于当今英国社会并直接引发人们脱离历史与现实的家园臆想与焦虑? British postcolonial literary ethical criticism focuses on the ethical turn of British postcolonial literature and related key concepts such as“ethical moments”and“rhetoric of failure and crisis”.The study intends to answer the following questions:1.Are the British postcolonial writers well educated in Western universities the blacks wearing white masks who support western colonialism and colonial ethics as scholars have criticized?2.How does the colonial ethics continue and how does the suppressed colonial history reappear in contemporary British society resulting in people’s morbid imagination and anxiety of home?
作者 徐彬 XU Bin(School of Foreign Languages,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China)
出处 《山东外语教学》 2019年第6期87-95,共9页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“帝国文化霸权视域下的现当代英国流散文学研究”(项目编号:18BWW092) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“英国文学的命运共同体表征与审美研究”(项目编号:19ZDA293)的阶段性成果
关键词 英国后殖民文学 文学伦理学批评 后殖民伦理转向 “伦理时刻” “失败与危机修辞” British postcolonial literature literary ethical criticism postcolonial ethical turn “ethical moments” “rhetoric of failure and crisis”
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