
热电制冷的应用与优化综述 被引量:35

Thermoelectric Cooling Application and Optimization: A Review
摘要 热电制冷(TEC)是以温差电现象为基础的制冷方式,是基于帕尔贴效应的固态环保型制冷技术。与其他制冷方式相比,热电制冷具有体积小、结构简单、可靠性高、制冷迅速等优点。本文通过研究国内外的相关文献,主要从热电制冷的应用及性能优化两方面综述了热电制冷近年来的研究进展和成果。对热电制冷在热电冰箱、热电空调和电子器件冷却等方面的应用及相关研究进行了归纳分析,并对热电制冷与太阳能、蒸气压缩以及蒸发冷却等复合系统应用进行了分析阐述。在热电制冷性能优化方面,总结了在材料已定时提升热电制冷的性能优化方法,包括热电制冷器结构、工作参数及热端散热等,并在工作参数优化过程中分析了近年来研究较多的脉冲电流研究进展。 Thermoelectric cooling is a type of solid-state,environmentally friendly cooling technology based on thermoelectric phenomenon.The thermoelectric cooling system has advantages over other refrigeration methods including small volume,simple structure,high reliability,rapid cooling,and simple operation.This study reviewed recent advances in thermoelectric cooling from two main aspects:thermoelectric cooling applications and performance optimization.In this study,developmental history,principle,characteristics,and research direction of thermoelectric cooling were briefly introduced.Next,thermoelectric cooling applications were summarized,including the application of thermoelectric refrigerators,thermoelectric air conditioning,heat dissipation of electronic devices,and a composite system,particularly for thermoelectric cooling using solar energy and other cooling systems in the composite system.Finally,to improve a thermoelectric cooling system’s performance,many optimization methods have been described,including the structure of a thermoelectric cooler,working parameters,and hot end heat exchangers.In addition,the research progress of pulse currents has been added to working parameters.It is expected that this study will be beneficial to thermoelectric cooling system application and optimization.
作者 吴雷 高明 张涛 周媛媛 Wu Lei;Gao Ming;Zhang Tao;Zhou Yuanyuan(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing,210094,China)
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1-12,共12页 Journal of Refrigeration
基金 国家自然科学基金(51706099)资助项目 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(SJCX18_0154)资助~~
关键词 热电制冷 性能优化 复合系统 散热 脉冲电流 thermoelectric cooling performance optimization composite system heat dissipation pulse current
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