

Observation of the morphological and biological characteristics of Thaumantis hainana (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
摘要 【目的】明确海南紫斑环蝶Thaumantis hainana各龄期的形态特征和生物学特性以及寄主植物。【方法】野外采集海南紫斑环蝶雌成虫,通过三角袋内套卵的方式获得受精卵。采用恒温饲养箱,在26℃、相对湿度40%、光周期16L∶8D下利用获得的卵供以美丽针葵Phoenix loureirii,饲养幼虫,并进行形态特征的观察,记录其各龄幼虫的体长与头壳宽,以及其他各龄期的部分形态学数据。【结果】海南紫斑环蝶共经历卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫4个龄期。卵圆球状,光滑,直径2.5~2.8 mm;幼虫5龄,随着幼虫龄期的增长,体长与头壳宽度逐渐增加;悬蛹;成虫雌雄同型。【结论】本研究基本明确了海南紫斑环蝶各龄期的形态特征,并观察了部分生物学特性,确定了海南紫斑环蝶的一种寄主植物为美丽针葵,完善了该物种的基本资料。 【Aim】This study aims to determine the morphological and biological characteristics of different developmental stages of Thaumantis hainana and to define its host plant.【Methods】Female adults of T.hainana were collected from wild habitats and put into triangular paper envelopes for laying eggs.Its larvae were bred with the obtained eggs in an incubator under the conditions of 26℃,40%relative humidity and 16L∶8D photoperiod with Phoenix loureirii leaves.The morphological characteristics of larvae were observed,and the body length and the width of head capsule of larvae of different instars were recorded.Some morphological characteristics of other developmental stages were also recorded.【Results】T.hainana exhibits complete metamorphosis with four developmental stages including egg,larva,pupa and adult.Eggs are round and have a smooth surface.Eggs are about 2.5-2.8 mm in diameter.The larva has 5 instars,and the body length and the width of head capsule of the larva increase gradually with the increase of larval instar.And it has hanging pupa.Adults do not show sexual dimorphism.【Conclusion】This study primarily clarified the morphological and biological characteristics of different developmental stages of T.hainana,and defined P.loureirii as one of its host plants,enriching the basic data of T.hainana.
作者 葛思勋 周兴苗 GE Si-Xun;ZHOU Xing-Miao(Hubei Insect Resources Utilization and Sustainable Pest Management Key Laboratory, College of Plant Science & Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1344-1350,共7页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 华中农业大学本科生自主创新项目(SRF)
关键词 海南紫斑环蝶 形态 生物学 寄主植物 生活史 海南 Thaumantis hainana morphology biology host plant life history Hainan
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