
网购情境下用户隐私威胁应对悖论研究——基于应对行为理论视角 被引量:24

Study on User’s Network Privacy Coping Paradox in Online Shopping Situation——Based on the Theory of Coping Behavior
摘要 [目的/意义]网购用户对于隐私安全威胁的忧虑并未引起实际应对行为,解决用户网络隐私威胁应对悖论问题,从而对减少网购风险与提高用户体验具有重要意义。[方法/过程]对用户网络应对行为进行细分研究,基于应对行为理论引入响应效能与响应成本为调节变量,构建了用户隐私顾虑与网络应对行为关系的理论模型,从而提出假设。运用SPSS、AMOS对路径与假设进行分析与检验。[结果/结论]实证结果表明:用户的隐私顾虑通过影响用户的保护行为意向,从而使得用户产生网络应对行为(问题聚焦应对行为与情绪聚焦应对行为),保护行为意向在其中起到中介作用。响应效能在保护行为意向与问题聚焦应对行为之间的关系中存在显著的正向调节效应,响应成本在其中虽不存在显著的直接调节作用,但在低响应效能的情况下,响应成本表现出了显著的负向调节作用。 [Purpose/Significance]The privacy concerns of online shopping users have not caused actual coping behaviors,so solving user's privacy coping paradox is of great significance for reducing online shopping risks and improving user's experience.[Method/Process]Users'network coping behaviors will be subdivided.Based on coping behavior theory,we introduce response efficiency and response cost as adjustment variables to build the theoretical model of relationship between user privacy concerns and internet coping behavior,propose the hypothesis,and finally use SPSS and AMOS to analyze and test the path and hypothesis.[Result/Conclusion]Results show that the user's privacy concerns affect the user's protection behavior intention,so that the user generates network coping behavior(including problem focus response behavior and emotional focus response behavior),and the protection behavior intention plays a mediating role.Response efficiency has a positive regulatory effect on the relationship between protection behavioral intention and problem focused coping behavior.Although the response cost does not have a significant direct regulation effect,in the case of low response efficiency,the response cost shows a significant negative regulation effect.
作者 张海汝 全冬梅 栾贞增 Zhang Hairu;Quan Dongmei;Luan Zhenzeng(School of Business Qingdao University,Qingdao 266000)
机构地区 青岛大学商学院
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期141-148,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“超网络视角下众创空间生态系统协同演化路径及治理机制研究”(编号:18BGL048)
关键词 网购 隐私悖论 网络应对行为 响应效能 响应成本 online shopping privacy paradox online coping behaviors response efficiency response cost
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