
南海安全合作进程中的中国情感投入 被引量:1

China’s Emotional Input in the Process of the Security Cooperation in the South China Sea
摘要 安全合作是应对南海问题的有效手段之一,但是当下的南海安全合作面临着民族主义、信任赤字、领土主权与海洋权益争端三大基本障碍。这三大障碍均与情感紧密相关,需要积极情感的投入来消除这些障碍。情感投入能够作用于南海安全合作的机理在于马斯洛的需求理论及情感的诱导、动力、选择和调节功能。中国情感投入促使南海各方为共同情感支付溢价,能够驱动南海安全合作行为,提升安全合作水平,但当下中国情感投入存在情感投入制度化程度较弱、情感与利益的界限不明确和情感的信任功能没有充分发挥这3个基本问题。中国需要理性设计情感投入。 Security cooperation is one of the effective means to deal with the South China Sea dispute. At present, security cooperation in the South China Sea faces three obstacles: nationalism, trust deficit and dispute on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, all of these obstacles are inextricably linked to emotion, and the elimination of these obstacles requires positive emotional input. The mechanisms of emotional input acting on security cooperation in the South China Sea lies in Abraham H. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and emotional function of induction, motivation, selection and regulation. Chinese emotional input has prompted all parties in the South China Sea to pay a premium for common feelings, which can drive security cooperation in the South China Sea and improve the level of security cooperation. But there are still three basic problems: weak institutionalization of emotion input, unclear boundary between emotion and interest, and insufficient function of emotional trust. China needs to rationally design emotional input.
作者 李国选 LI Guo-xuan(Institute of International Politics and Economics,School of Marxism,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,Shandong)
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2019年第4期54-65,共12页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 2019年度山东省社会科学规划项目“习近平总体国家安全观研究”(19CXSXJ42)
关键词 南海问题 安全合作 情感投入 南海人脉工程 South China Sea issue security cooperation emotional input the South China Sea Connection Project
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