嵌入式闪存测试不同于传统的存储器测试,它是将内建自测试和传统存储器测试相互结合的专业测试。在传统嵌入式闪存测试方法 JTAG 接口的基础上,通过对测试接口和测试方法的不断创新和优化,从五个测试信号、四个测试信号、三个测试信号、二个测试信号,最终达到一个测试信号实现整个闪存所有功能可测试的终极测试方案。不断创新和优化的测试方法,实现了在低成本和测试硬件资源有限的测试机上持续提高嵌入式闪存测试的同测数,从而极大地提升了嵌入式闪存的测试效率、缩短测试的生产周期和降低闪存测试的成本。
Embedded flash test is different from traditional memory test.It is professional test which combine build in self test and traditional memory testing methodology.JTAG interface and five signals are traditional embedded flash testing method.Based on five testing signals,four testing signals,three testing signals,two testing signals are developed through innovative design of testing interface and optimized testing methodology.Finally,it is achieved to use one testing interface to test embedded flash with full function.The method of one testing interface can improve parallel testing sites greatly on tester of low cost and limited testing hardware resource.The innovative testing methodology can improve embedded flash testing efficiency,shorten testing manufactory cycle time and reduce testing cost.
QIAN Liang(ShangHai Huahong Jitong Smart System Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 201206,China)
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