
空间句法视角下城市与非保护类历史街区空间形态变化研究——以合川文峰古街片区为例 被引量:13

A Study of the Spatial Morphological Changes of City and Unprotected Historic Block from the Perspective of Spatial Syntax——A Case Study of Wenfeng Ancient Street in Hechuan
摘要 非保护类历史街区是城市历史文化和城市功能组团中不可或缺的一部分,在城市的更新和发展中扮演着重要的角色,但是因为内部并没有划分明确的保护范围,导致其在历史演变过程中出现了历史文脉缺失、发展不均衡和空间复杂混乱等诸多问题.在空间问题研究中,空间句法理论将物质空间作为单独的本质元素进行系列研究,并以此为基础延伸到对社会、经济、认知和行为等领域之间的复杂关系,这对分析非保护类历史街区的空间形态变化问题提供了量化的分析方法.该文运用空间句法相关理论方法及辅助软件,建立了宏观和微观两个尺度下不同时期的城市和街区的多层次拓扑关系模型,分析得到非保护类历史街区与城市的空间形态变化的特征和关系:①非保护类历史街区地理位置大多处于偏近城市中心区的附属区域,在城市的文化历史和功能承载中起到了中间过渡和起承转合的重要作用;②非保护类历史街区受到城市“组团式”发展的影响,其复合功能的承载潜力影响范围逐渐缩小;③非保护类历史街区内部深度相对较大,整体交通便捷度相对较低;④人对于非保护类历史街区的可理解度普遍较低,游客和居民都不便认知整个空间.根据特征和关系进一步解析得到变化原因在于历史价值和生活价值的动态调整,发展策略的重点也是城市文脉保护和居民生活需求的平衡与协同. Unprotected historical block are an indispensable part of urban historical culture and urban functional groups.They play an important role in the renewal and development of cities,but because they do not clearly define the scope of protection,they are in the process of historical evolution.There have been many problems such as lack of historical context,uneven development,and complicated space.The spatial syntactic theory in the study of spatial problems takes the material space as a separate essential element in systematic research and,based on this,extends it to the complex relationship between social,economic,cognitive,and behavioral domains,thus providing a quantitative method for the analysis of the spatial morphological change problem of historical blocks.Using the spatial syntax-related theoretical methods and the auxiliary software in a case study of Wenfeng Ancient Street in Hechuan of Chongqing,this paper establishes a multi-level topological relationship model of cities and blocks in different periods at macro-and micro-scales,and analyzes the characteristics and relationships of spatial patterns of unprotected historical blocks and cities.The results are as follows.①The unprotected historical block is located in the sub-area of the central area of the city.The block plays an important role in the intermediate transition and the transition of the city's cultural history and function.②The unprotected historical blocks are affected by the“sroup-type”developnent of the city,and the scope of the bearing potential of its composite functions is gradually shrinking.③The interior of the block is deep and the overall traffic convenience is low.④The public's comprehensibility of unprotected historical block is low,and tourists and residents are not able to recognize the entire space.According to the characteristics and relationship,the reason for the change is the dynamic adjustment of historical value and life value.The focus of development strategy should be the balance and synergy between urban context protection and residents'living needs.
作者 王子月 刘磊 WANG Zi-yue;LIU Lei(School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期142-150,共9页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目(cstc2018jscx-msybX0253)
关键词 空间句法 城市 非保护类历史街区 空间形态变化 文峰古街 space syntax city unprotected historical block spatial morphological change Wenfeng Ancient Street
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