
“新物流”背景下高职物流人才培养体系重构探析 被引量:9

Exploration of Talents Training System Reconstruction in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of "New Logistics"
摘要 新一代信息技术、产业升级及跨界融合正推动物流业快速变革,催生了“新物流”革命。针对“新物流”对物流人才在职业能力及思维方式方面提出的新要求,结合当前高职物流人才培养普遍存在的不足,从培养目标、培养主体、课程体系及教学内容、教学与考核四方面重构培养体系以适应“新物流”时代人才培养的需要,并提出了具体的重构思路。 The new generation of information technology,industrial upgrading,border-crossing integration and fusion in different sectors are promoting logistics industry rapidly,which has led to the"New Logistics"revolution."New Logistics"raises new requirements about professional ability and thinking mode for those who work in related sectors.In view of the current shortcomings of logistics personnel training in higher vocational colleges,this paper proposes that the training system be reconstructed from four aspects:training objectives,training subjects,curriculum settings and content of courses,teaching and assessment to meet the requirements of job roles in the"New Logistics"era.In addition,some concrete ideas are given for the reconstruction.
作者 孟庆永 姚文斌 MENG Qing-yong;YAO Wen-bin(Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018,China)
出处 《职业教育研究》 2020年第1期41-46,共6页 Vocational Education Research
基金 2019年浙江省教育科学规划课题“‘新物流’背景下高职物流人才培养体系重构”(项目编号:2019SCG272)
关键词 新物流 物流职业能力 “双线”课程体系 多主体育人 "New Logistics" logistics occupational ability dual-line curriculum system multi-subject training mechanism
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