
传统康复与现代康复对颈型颈椎病的认识及研究进展 被引量:10

The Recognition and Research Progress of Traditional and Modern Rehabilitation on Cervical Spondylosis
摘要 从中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库、维普网等网站检索颈型颈椎病的康复研究相关文献,对颈型颈椎病的传统康复和现代康复进行综合分析及评述。传统康复是我国传统医学传承的经典,是我国传统文化与传统医学互相结合的瑰宝,但在治疗的安全性方面仍需要更多的针灸师、推拿师及康复治疗师认真的态度与严谨的操作。现代康复的类别多种多样,操作简单且疗效显著,但缺乏大量的样本数据支持。笔者认为若将二者有机结合,相辅相成,根据不同患者的不同病情,选取最合适、最安全、最有效的方法,才能最大程度缓解患者缺损的症状,尽快恢复患者的功能,尽早地使患者回归家庭和社会。 Articles related to the rehabilitation of cervical spondylosis were searched from Chinese Journal full-text Database(CNKI),Wangfang Data and VIP.This paper makes a comprehensive analysis and review on the traditional and modern rehabilitation of cervical spondylosis.Traditional rehabilitation is the classic of the inheritance of traditional medicine in our country,and it is the treasure of the combination of traditional culture and traditional medicine in our country.However,more acupuncture and moxibustion teachers,massage teachers and rehabilitation therapists are still needed to take a serious attitude and rigorous operation in the safety of treatment.There are various types of modern rehabilitation,simple operation and significant curative effect,but lack of a large number of sample data support.The author believes that if the two are combined organically and complement each other,according to the different conditions of different patients,the most appropriate,safe and effective methods can be selected to alleviate the symptoms of patients'defects to the greatest extent and to restore the functions of patients as soon as possible.Make the patient return to family and society as soon as possible.
作者 刘冉 LIU Ran(Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Tianjin 301617)
机构地区 天津中医药大学
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2020年第3期39-41,45,共4页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 颈型颈椎病 传统康复 现代康复 综述 cervical spondylosis traditional rehabilitation modern rehabilitation review
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