In view of the unique identification function of biometric information and its economic value,legislation system should reasonably balance the multi-interest conflicts between data security and the development of biotechnology industry, the benefit of social management and the convenience of personal life, with the innovative development of biometric technology. Therefore, in the establishment of classified personal information protection system, biometric information has its own legislative orientation, including the form of regulation document, the overall framework of text, specific regulation objects, technical protection requirements, technical tool supervision and other aspects. As for the specific rule design of the collection and application of biometric information, the approach of China’s institutional construction should be discussed in four aspects: first, the structural arrangement of the legal norm system;Second, the sample reference scheme of the regulatory framework;The third is the multi-dimensional regulation level of the legislative content, involving the security responsibility, market transaction, information subject rights and other aspects;Fourth, the preventative judicial relief mode.
Jiangxi Social Sciences