
基于月表面赤道区域实时辐射亮度温度的风云4号毫米波热辐射定标 被引量:3

Calibration of a multichannel millimeter wave radiometer of FY-4M based on the real-time brightness temperature along the lunar equator
摘要 中国计划发射的地球同步卫星风云4号微波星(FY-4M)将搭载多通道的毫米波辐射计.工作频率从50~430 GHz,能实现区域高频重访气象观测,极大地提高了天气变化的监测与预报能力.在轨辐射定标是FY-4M辐射数据定量化应用的关键因素,由于月球表面物理与化学性质长期稳定,没有大气层等环境变化的影响,是FY-4M毫米波辐射计一个理想的定标源.本研究提出根据实时的日下点位置和日地距离,建立实时的太阳辐射强度模型;依据由克莱门汀750 nm数据得到月表面太阳反射率,以及月壤热物理参数廓线分布,求解一维热传导方程,推算月壤层物理温度廓线;用嫦娥2号37 GHz微波辐射亮度温度拟合,得到月表面正切损耗参数;用起伏逸散定理,计算FY-4M各毫米波频段的月表面辐射亮度温度.以此,给出月球赤道中心区域(0°N,0°E)的表面物理温度和毫米波辐射亮度温度在2010年间随时间变化的关系,也比较了近日点和远日点附近月表面毫米波辐射亮度温度的差别.本研究提出的月表面实时毫米波辐射模型,可用于FY-4M毫米波辐射计数据的定标研究与应用. Chinese FY-4M is a new-generation geosynchronous satellite,which will be launched in the near future.It is equipped with multichannel millimeter wave radiometers,which operate in the range of 50–430 GHz.This satellite will increase revisit time and significantly improve the monitoring and weather variation forecasting capabilities.Calibration is an important issue for the quantitative analysis and application of brightness temperature observations.Calibration is first conducted in a thermal/vacuum chamber prior to the launch.A hot target onboard the satellite is used to provide relative irradiance for onboard calibration,and the cold cosmos is used as a cold target.However,complicated space conditions may result in many uncertainties and instabilities during calibration.A new method is required to evaluate the performance of the instruments during long-term operation.Because of the non-existence of atmospheric and other environmental interferences,the lunar surface maintains its physical and chemical stability.Thus,it is an ideal source for thermal calibration.The earliest ground-based observation of thermal microwave emission of the Moon dates back to the early 1940s.At that time,the temperature profile and dielectric constant of the lunar surface had not been studied in detail.Thus,interpreting the observed microwave brightness temperature was difficult.In recent years,many studies of the lunar surface have been performed owing to the advances in satellite-borne remote sensing programs.The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter investigated the global solar reflectance and mid-IR irradiance.These infrared measurements contribute to the quantitative description of the thermophysical properties of the superficial lunar regolith media.Chinese probes,Chang’e-1 and Chang’e-2,carried four-channel microwave radiometers to observe the microwave thermal emission of the lunar regolith media,which may provide information on superficial dielectric properties of the lunar surface.These advances created a foundation for the millimeter channel observation of the lunar surface.In this study,a real-time model of the sub-solar position and total irradiance of the lunar surface was developed.The altitude of FY-4M is 35800 km.The distance between the Moon and the Earth is between 363400 km(perigee)and 405400 km(apogee).This large distance enables nadir observation from the FY-4M radiometer toward the center region of the lunar equator.The observation beam angle ranges from 0.097°to 0.027°.The diameters of the observation regions at different channels are 750 km(55 GHz),480 km(89,118 GHz),300 km(166,183 GHz),and 210 km(425 GHz)at apogee.Based on the surface albedo derived from the Clementine data and the constrained thermophysical parameters of the lunar regolith media obtained from the Diviner infrared brightness temperature,the one-dimensional thermal transfer equation is solved to obtain the physical temperature profile of the lunar regolith media.Using the 37-GHz brightness temperature from Chang’e-2 observations,the loss tangent of the regolith media is inverted.Using the fluctuation dissipation theorem,the brightness temperature of the lunar surface in FY-4M millimeter channels is calculated.The thermophysical profile of the regolith can be validated using the Diviner infrared brightness temperature data.The calculated temperature at a depth of 1.3 m is consistent with the measurements obtained in the Apollo heat flow experiment.The surface temperature and millimeter brightness temperature on the lunar equator(0°N,0°E)during the entire year of 2010 are simulated.The peak value of the brightness temperature is attained after that of the surface physical temperature peak value.In the low frequency channel,the penetration depth increases,its peak value is typically small,and the peak appears later.This study thus presents an effective model for FY-4M calibration and data analysis.
作者 柳钮滔 金亚秋 Niutao Liu;Yaqiu Jin(Key Laboratory of Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves,Ministry of Education,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期185-193,共9页 Chinese Science Bulletin
关键词 风云4号微波星定标 月球毫米波亮温 热传导方程 实时月表温度 FY-4M calibration lunar millimeter brightness temperature heat conductivity equation real-time lunar surface temperature
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