Objective To investigate the feasibility and accuracy of free angle and modified fixed angle puncture stand in thyroid fine needle aspiration puncture.Methods A model of thyroid fine needle aspiration puncture was established.Ten doctors punctured the phantom targets by bare hand puncture,free angle puncture stand and modified fixed angle puncture stand respectively.Each patient was punctured three times.The target depth,puncture time and success rate of each puncture were recorded and the above data were analyzed statistically.Results The success rate of the first group(bare-handed puncture)was 76.7%.The average depth of target placement was 1.99 cm.The average puncture time was 40.52 seconds.And the success rate of the second group(free angle puncture stand)was 100%.The average depth of target placement was 2.12 cm.The average puncture time was 7.75 seconds.And the success rate of the third group(modified fixed angle puncture stand)was 100%.The average depth of target placement was 2.22 cm.The average puncture time was 3.26 seconds.The success rate of free-hand puncture was less than that of fixed-angle puncture after modification(P<0.05).The target depth of free-angle puncture and fixed-angle puncture after modification was greater than that of Bare-hand puncture(P<0.05).There was no difference between free-angle puncture and fixed-angle puncture after modification(P=0.18).The operation time of free-angle puncture and fixed-angle puncture after modification was shorter than that of Bare-hand Pu the operation time of fixed angle puncture was shorter than that of free angle puncture(P<0.01).Conclusion Both free angle and modified fixed angle puncture stand have higher accuracy than unarmed puncture.The modified fixed angle puncture stand has higher puncture efficiency than free angle puncture stand,and it is more convenient and reliable for puncture of deep thyroid nodules.
JIANG Wei;DENG Xuedong;YANG Zhong;GU Yidong;ZHANG Qian;GU Wei;JIANG Xinhua(Center for Medical Ultrasound, Suzhou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215002, P.R.China;Suzhou Leap Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Suzhou 215002, P.R.China)
Journal of Medical Imaging