
干化处理对霞多丽葡萄酒质量的影响 被引量:2

The effect of dehydration treatment on Chardonnay wine
摘要 为提高白葡萄酒营养价值,改善其感官质量,以霞多丽葡萄为试验对象,研究干化处理对白葡萄酒质量的影响。使用水分损失(20%、30%和40%)的干化葡萄酿制干化酒样,以鲜葡萄酒为对照,对酒样进行感官及营养指标测定。结果表明,干化处理提高了酒样的乙醇体积分数、残糖和酸度;提高了酒样单体酚类物质含量及其总量;增强了酒样的抗氧化性;提高了酒样的亮度,加深了黄色调;赋予葡萄酒浓郁的香气及饱满的口感。综合各项指标的变化,说明干化处理显著提高了白葡萄酒的营养价值和感官质量,葡萄失水率为30%的干化处理,对葡萄酒质量的改善效果最好。干化处理可用于提高或改善白葡萄酒的营养价值和感官品质。 In order to improve the nutritional value and the sensory quality of white wine,dehydration grape brewing test was carried out using Chardonnay grape to study the effect of different water loss(20%,30%,40%)on white wine by analyzing their difference in sensory and nutritional indicators.The control wine was made from fresh grape.The results showed that dehydration elevated the alcohol content,residual sugar and acidity,increased the respective content and total amount of the phenols,as well as the antioxidant activity,the brightness,the yellow tone,the aroma and the taste improved.According to the changes of each index,dehydration significantly improved the nutritional value and sensory quality of the white wine,and the best effect was obtained with 30%dehydration.Dehydration can effectively improve the nutritional value and sensory quality of white wine.
作者 王琳 赵裴 刘洋 刘杨洁 韩富亮 WANG Lin;ZHAO Pei;LIU Yang;LIU Yangjie;HAN Fuliang(College of Enology,Northwest A&W University,Yangling 712100,China;Shaanxi Grape and Engineering Technology Research Center,Yangling 712100,China;Heyang Grape Test Demonstration Station,Northwest A&W University,Heyang 715300,China)
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期83-88,共6页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 陕西省重点研发资助项目(2017NY-184) “十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFD0400500)。
关键词 干化 葡萄酒 总酚 抗氧化性 感官质量 dehydration wine total phenol antioxidant sensory quality
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