
固原市湿地资源现状及保护发展建议 被引量:1

The Status and Development Proposals on Wetland Resources in Guyuan City
摘要 文章结合固原市湿地资源现状调查,分析了影响湿地环境的威胁因子及在湿地管理方面存在的问题,并就湿地保护发展提出了建议。 In this paper,based on investigation of the status of wetland resources in Guyuan City,the hazardous factors on wetland and the problems in wetland management were analyzed.Meanwhile,the related countermeasures of wetland conservation were proposed.
作者 胡祥娟 袁彩霞 李永桂 Hu Xiangjuan;Yuan Caixia;Li Yonggui(Wetland Conservation and Management Center,Guyuan,Ningxia 756000)
出处 《宁夏农林科技》 2020年第1期22-23,25,共3页 Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
基金 2016年宁夏拔尖人才培养工程资金资助项目。
关键词 湿地资源 威胁 发展建议 固原市 Wetland resources Hazards Development proposals Guyuan City
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