
灰鹤在天山木扎提河湿地越冬及行为观察 被引量:6

Overwintering and Behavioral Observations of the Common Crane(Grus grus)in Tianshan Muzati River Wetland
摘要 于2017年10月—2019年5月,采用直接计数法、瞬时扫描取样法、卫星跟踪和最小凸多边形法(MCP),对新疆阿克苏地区拜城县木扎提河流域灰鹤(Grus grus)的种群特征、活动范围、行为时间分配和行为节律进行调查和分析。结果表明,2019年越冬灰鹤种群数量超过4700只,较2016年增加1倍多,种群发展动态呈上升趋势。灰鹤主要以家庭群为主(63.90%),聚集群次之(28.62%),孤鹤最少(7.48%)。家庭群主要以2成鸟1幼鸟为主(占46.82%),聚集群以5~8只个体为主(占65.91%)。整个越冬期持续140~160 d,灰鹤越冬期活动距离为1058 km,活动区域相对固定,活动区域面积为125 km^2。日活动面积和活动距离随着气温的变化而变化,温度降低,日活动范围和活动距离降低;反之,则增加。因此,活动面积和活动距离呈凹形变化,即先增加(10—11月),再逐渐减少(12—1月),然后增加(2—3月)的变化趋势。取食和警戒是灰鹤的主要越冬行为。灰鹤的46.8%日间时间用于取食,17.8%的日间时间用于警戒,用于休息、走动、理羽和其他行为的日间时间分别占13.4%、11.4%、7.4%和3.2%。日取食高峰呈双凸型,出现在8:00—9:00和17:00—18:00,分别达到57.0%和58.5%。休息高峰出现在11:00—15:00,占24.6%,呈单峰型。研究区灰鹤种群面临着放牧、农耕、天敌、道路车辆、低温和人为驱赶等诸多威胁因素。 From October 2017 to May 2019,the population characteristics,activity range,time budget and behavioral rhythm of the common crane(Grus grus)in the basin of Muzati River in Baicheng County,Aksu Prefecture were investigated and analyzed through the direct counting method,scan-sampling technique,satellite tracking and the minimum convex polygon.The population number of common cranes was more than 4700 in 2009,more than double that of 2016.And the population development dynamics showed an upward trend.The group characteristics of common cranes are main family groups(63.90%),followed by aggregation groups(28.62%),and the least for solitary crane(7.48%).The family group is mainly composed of 2 adults and 1 child(46.82%),and the aggregation group is dominated by 5-8 individuals(65.91%).In the whole wintering period(about 140-160 days),the total active distance of the common crane is 1058 km,and the activity area is relatively fixed,with a total area of 125 km^2.The daily activity area and distance changed with the change of temperature:the daily activity range and distance decreased with the decrease of temperatures.On the contrary,it increased.Therefore,the activity area and distance changed in a concave shape,first increasing(October to November),then gradually decreasing(December to January),and then increasing(February to March).Feeding and alerting are the main wintering behaviors of common cranes.46.8% of the time of the common crane were used for eating,and 17.8% of the time were used for alerting.The time spent on resting,locomotion,grooming and other behaviors was 13.4%,11.4%,7.4% and 3.2%,respectively.The peak of daily eating was double convex,which appeared at 8:00-9:00 and 17:00-18:00,reaching 57.0% and 58.5%,respectively.The peak of rest appeared at 11:00-15:00,accounting for 24.6%.The population of common cranes in this area is faced with many threats,such as grazing,farming,natural enemies,cold,road vehicles and artificial eviction.
作者 李军伟 马鸣 孟凡娟 E I Ilyashenko V Yu Ilyashenko O V Belyalov A E Gavrilov S Kh Zaripova N Batbayar 曹垒 LI Jun-wei;MA Ming;MENG Fan-juan;E I ILYASHENKO;V Yu ILYASHENKO;O V BELYALOV;A E GAVRILOV;S Kh ZARIPOVA;N BATBAYAR;CAO Lei(Key Laboratory of Biogeography and Bioresource in Arid Land,Chinese Academy of Sciences/Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;Severtsov'Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS,Moscow 119071,Russia;Kazakhstan Society for the Protection of Birds,Almaty 480060,Kazakhstan;Institute of Zoology MES,Almaty 480060,Kazakhstan;Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia,Ulaanbaatar 14210,Mongolia)
出处 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期573-579,共7页 Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
基金 生态环境部生物多样性调查、观测和评估项目 国家自然科学基金(31572292,31272291,30970340,30470262)。
关键词 种群动态 时间分配 行为节律 活动范围 越冬行为 灰鹤 population trend time budget behavioral rhythm activity range overwintering common crane(Grus grus)
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