
不同类型新型肥料对双季稻产量、氮肥利用率和经济效益的影响 被引量:33

Effects of different new types of fertilizer on yield,nitrogen use eiificiency and economic benefit of double cropping rice
摘要 【目的】新型肥料是提高氮肥利用率和保护土壤生态环境的有效措施之一。研究不同类型新型肥料的适宜施肥方法,以实现南方早稻和晚稻同步达到高产高效。【方法】连续2年田间试验供试水稻品种为‘隆香优华占’(早稻)和‘陵两优7717’(晚稻),以不施肥为对照(CK),其余处理施氮肥总量均为N 189 kg/hm2,采用两因素裂区设计,主区为肥料类型,包括复混肥(CK1)、稳定性肥(T1)、两种木质素缓释肥(T2、T3)、生根型缓释肥(T4)、有机硅水溶缓释肥(T5)、控释肥(T6),共6种肥料。副区为5个施用方法处理,依次为基肥∶分蘖肥∶保花肥∶促花肥为4∶2∶2∶2;基肥∶保花肥为6.5∶3.5;基肥∶保花肥为5.5∶4.5;基肥∶保花肥为7∶3;基肥∶保花肥为6∶4。分析了不同施肥处理下新型肥料对土壤肥力(内梅罗指数法)、水稻产量、氮肥利用率和经济效益的影响。【结果】两年双季稻对土壤综合肥力指数提升作用以T3(基肥∶保花肥为5.5∶4.5)最大,其次为T2(基肥∶保花肥为5.5∶4.5)和T5(基肥∶保花肥为6.5∶3.5)处理。内梅罗指数法对土壤肥力评价结果与土壤的实际生产力基本一致,较高的土壤肥力能够表征作物的高产。产量分析表明,早稻穗粒数和晚稻结实率与相应的水稻产量呈极显著相关,因此,早晚稻的高产栽培策略应在保持适宜的有效穗数和结实率基础上主攻每穗粒数。2017和2018年度各施肥处理产量均高于CK处理,其中T3处理水稻年产量高达16.69和16.67 t/hm2,与CK比,产量分别提高了26.05%和27.15%;同时促进了土壤综合肥力指数(IFI)提升,IFI指数从施肥前的1.68(Ⅱ级)升至1.97(Ⅰ级)。与CK1相比,2018年T3处理水稻年产量提高9.23%,氮肥农学利用率提高237.36%(P<0.01),氮肥偏生产力提高28.28%(P<0.01),经济效益增加51.6%。【结论】在本试验条件下,施用木质素缓释肥(基肥∶保花肥为5.5∶4.5)可促进水稻获得高产和高收益,并且提高了土壤肥力和氮肥利用率,是一种值得推荐的施肥方式。 【objectives】The application of new types of fertilizer has been regarded as one of the effective measures to improve fertilizer utilization efficiency and reduce soil degradation in China.However,it is unclear how to achieve high yield of the early and late season rice simultaneously by new types of fertilizer and fertilization methods.【Methods】A successive two-year four-season double-cropping rice‘Longxiangyou Huazan’,‘Lingliangyou 7717’were used as experimental materials to conduct field experiments on the basis of 189 kg/hm2 nitrogen application.A two-factor split-plot design was adopted.The main plot was composed of no fertilizer(CK),compound fertilizer(CK1),stable compound fertilizer(T1),lignin slow-release fertilizer(T2,T3),rooting slow-release fertilizer(T4),organosilicon water-soluble slow-release fertilizer(T5)and controlled release fertilizer(T6)are six different fertilizer treatments.In the sub-region,there are five nitrogen application modes:4∶2∶2∶2,6.5∶3.5,5.5∶4.5,7∶3,6∶4.The effects of new fertilizers on soil fortility(Nemero index method),rice yield,nitrogen application model and economic benefits were analyied.【Results】The improvement of soil comprehensive fertility index by two-year rice was the largest in T3(5.5∶4.5),followed by T2(5.5∶4.5)and T5(6.5∶3.5).The results of Nemero index method for soil comprehensive fertility evaluation were basically consistent with the actual productivity of the soil.Higher soil fertility can characterize the high yield of crops.Yield analysis showed that the number of grains per panicle in early rice and seed-setting rate in late rice was significantly correlated with the corresponding rice yield.Therefore,the high-yield cultivation strategy of early and late rice should focus on the number of grains per panicle on the basis of maintaining the appropriate effective panicles and seed setting rate.In 2017 and 2018,the yield of all fertilization treatments was higher than that of CK without fertilization.Among them,the yield of T3 treatment was the highest,16.69 and 16.67 t/hm2,respectively.Compared with CK,the yield increased by 26.05%and 27.15%,respectively.At the same time,the integrated fertility index(IFI)of soil was promoted,and the IFI was 1.68 before fertilization.In 2018,compared with CK1,the yield of T3 treatment increased by 9.23%,the agronomic utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer increased by 237.36%(P<0.01),partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer increased by 28.28%(P<0.01)and the economic benefit increased by 51.6%.【Conclusions】Lignin slow-release fertilizer(5.5∶4.5)application can promote double-cropping rice to obtain high yield and high economic benefit,that is,improve the soil comprehensive fertility,and increase the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer,which is a recommended fertilization method.
作者 周雯雯 贾浩然 张月 李卫 李保同 汤丽梅 ZHOU Wen-wen;JIA Hao-ran;ZHANG Yue;LI Wei;LI Bao-tong;TANG Li-mei(Collge of Agronomy,Jiangxi Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology,Ecology and Genetic Breeding,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330045,China;College of Food Science and Engineering,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330045,China;College of Land Resources and Environment,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330045,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期657-668,共12页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0301604) 江西省科技支撑计划(20161BAB214173)。
关键词 双季稻 新型肥料 土壤综合肥力指数 内梅罗指数法 氮肥利用率 经济效益 double cropping rice new types of fertilizer integrated fertility index Nemero index method nitrogen use efficiency economic benefit
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