The frequent outbreaks of major public emergencies have become one of the major risks around the world.The COVID-19 epidemic which broke out at the beginning of 2020,not only has brought great harm to people’s health,but also has provided ground for starting various rumors.The social media further speeds up the spread of rumors,which may induce serious secondary disasters.Thus the effective dealing with major public emergencies involves not only the medical treatment and remedy in the physical field,but also governance of online rumor and public opinion guidance in the psychological field which may facilitate the progress of epidemic prevention and contribute to social stability and economic development.The traditional mode of rumor governance focuses on the monitoring from governments and enterprises,which have many inner shortcomings such as addressing the symptoms rather than the cause and rebounding of public opinions.More and more researchers call for paying attention to the participation of multiple parties in the society,especially the public’s self-governance for rumors.However,prior research has rarely addressed public’s autonomous behavior of refuting rumor,not to mention the underlying psychological paths.The present study aims to examine the effects of institutional and private sources credibility perceived during major public emergencies on public’s rumor-refuting behavior on social media platforms,from the perspective of social psychology.We employed 963 people inhabiting in a cosmopolis as participants and used the online questionnaire survey method to collect data.The findings showed that:(1)The level of institutional source credibility is higher than that of private source credibility on social media platforms during the COVID-19 epidemic period and that the impact of institutional source credibility on public’s behavior of refuting online rumor is stronger than that of private source credibility;(2)Public’s institutional source credibility in social media can impact public’s behavior of refuting online rumor not only directly,but also through the indirect effect of public’s confidence for the winning the battle against COVID-19 epidemic;(3)Public’s private source credibility can be affected by institutional source credibility in social media,and public’s private source credibility can’t affect public’s behavior of refuting online rumor independent of institutional source credibility.These findings imply that there are two kinds of opinion fields in Chinese social media,which are institutional and folk opinion fields,and that institutional opinion still plays the dominate role in the social media world,just as in the real world.The present research can not only enhance our understanding of the roles of different sources credibility in the social media era,but also have practical implications for facilitating public’s rumor self-governance by reinforcing the“timely,accurate,open and transparent”of institutional media report.
Yao Qi;Cui Lijuan;Wang Yan;Yang Ying(School of Psychology and Cognitive Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062)
Journal of Psychological Science