
睾丸衰老的研究现状与展望 被引量:9

Researches on testicular aging: Status quo and prospects
摘要 睾丸是男性的性腺,其主要功能是分泌雄激素和产生精子。睾丸衰老可引起性与生殖功能障碍及一系列全身症状,严重影响中老年男性的生活质量;同时还与血管、代谢等慢病发生发展密切相关,其防治亟需高度重视。本文从概念定义、临床表现、发生机制、评估手段及干预策略等5个方面对睾丸衰老的研究现状进行评述,并对未来的研究方向进行展望,以期让临床医生加深对睾丸衰老的理解和重视程度,提高睾丸衰老的防治水平。 Testis is the male gonad with the main functions of secreting androgens and producing sperm. Testicular aging can induce sexual and reproductive dysfunctions and a series of systemic symptoms, which not only seriously affect the life quality of elderly and middle-aged men but are also closely related to the development and progression of chronic diseases, such as vascular and metabolic disorders. This review focuses on the concept, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, evaluation methods and intervention strategies of testicular aging, as well as the prospects for its future research directions, aiming to help clinicians gain a deeper insight into and attach more importance to this condition, so as to improve its prevention and treatment.
作者 邓春华 张弛 谢云 刘贵华 DENG Chun-hua;ZHANG Chi;XIE Yun;LIU Gui-hua(Department of Andrology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510080,China;Center of Reproductive Medicine,the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510655,China)
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期291-296,共6页 National Journal of Andrology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81671449,81671834,81971314,81971759)。
关键词 睾丸衰老 细胞衰老 生理性衰老 抗衰老 干细胞 testicular aging cellular senescence physiological aging anti-aging stem cells
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