
尾翼弹高低空气动特性仿真及外弹道计算 被引量:8

Numerical Simulation on Aerodynamic Characteristics and External Ballistic Calculation of Fin-Stabilized Projectile at High and Low Altitude
摘要 对不同气象条件下的尾翼弹进行气动特性数值仿真,由Matlab拟合得到阻力系数随海拔高度、马赫数变化的公式并进行了各海拔高度处的外弹道计算。结果表明:在全声速范围内,相同马赫数处,阻力系数随着海拔高度的增加而增大,且基本为线性关系;在同一海拔高度处,阻力系数随着马赫数的变化规律相同;在相同射角,相同初速下,不同海拔高度处发射的尾翼弹的弹道轨迹、存速、弹道倾角变化较大,弹体存速随着海拔高度的增加而增加,弹道高,弹道倾角随着海拔高度的增加而下降,因此需考虑海拔高度对弹道参数的影响。 To study laws of aerodynamic and external ballistic characteristics of fin-stabilized projectile under different mach numbers,different altitude,according to the variation laws of air temperature,air pressure,air density following the height,and the aerodynamic characteristics of fin-stabilized projectile under different high altitude meteorologic condition,different mach numbers were simulated and the drag coefficient were obtained.Matlab was used to fit results of numerical simulation,the function of mach number,altitude were given and external ballistic was calculated.The results show that drag coefficient increase with the increase of altitude and are all in the linearity rule at the same mach number;For the same altitude,the drag coefficient changes similarly with increase of mach number;At the same fire angle and initial velocity of the projectile,the flight trajectory,angle of inclination,velocity of fin-stabilized projectile changes greatly under different altitude,the storage velocity increases with the increase of altitude and the trajectory height,inclination angle,decreases with the increase of altitude,so the influence of firing location on ballistic parameters should be considered.
作者 岳通 王惠源 张成卿 YUE Tong;WANG Huiyuan;ZHANG Chengqing(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第5期37-42,59,共7页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 尾翼弹 阻力系数 马赫数 弹道高 存速 弹道倾角 fin-stabilized projectile drag coefficient mach number trajectory height storage velocity inclination angle
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