
强震区震后泥石流物源起动机制研究现状 被引量:5

Research Status of Initiation Mechanism of Debris Flow Provenance after Earthquake in Meizoseismal Area
摘要 汶川特大地震对震区山体结构的破坏导致震后泥石流物源激增,次生泥石流灾害频发。为进一步探究震后泥石流物源起动机制,通过资料收集与分析的方法,概述了强震区震后泥石流物源起动机制研究现状,从野外调查、物理模拟试验、数值模拟分析三个方面总结了目前震后泥石流物源起动机制研究的主要进展及理论成果,在此基础上,提出针对震后泥石流物源起动机制进一步研究的建议:模型试验应加强降雨过程、降雨类型等相似律的研究;数值模拟分析计算模型应注重考虑侵蚀和挟带影响,同时加强区域大尺度复杂地形泥石流起动的模拟分析;此外,应重视地质环境脆弱山区高位物源成灾机理研究。 The“5.12”Wenchuan Earthquake caused damage to the mountainous structure of the meizoseismal area,which led to a surge in post-seismic provenance of debris flow in the meizoseismal area.The secondary debris flow disaster occurred frequently after the earthquake.In order to further explore the initiation mechanism of debris flow provenance after the earthquake,we summarize the research status ofinitiation mechanism of post-seismic debris flow provenance in the meizoseismal area.Based on data collection and analysis,Advances in the field investigation,physical simulation test and numerical simulation analysis were summarized in detail.In the end of this paper,some related advice on future research on the initiation mechanism of post-seismic provenance of debris flow were put forward in the following aspects:to further improve similarity of experimental condition,such as rainfall process and rainfall type,to further study the effect of erosion and entrainment in numerical simulation model,and to further study the simulation analysis of large-scale debris flow initiation process in complex terrain.In addition,the research on the mechanism of high-level source disaster in fragile mountainous areas should be strengthened.
作者 张友谊 叶小兵 顾成壮 ZHANG Youyi;YE Xiaobing;GU Chengzhuang(Southwest University of Science and Technology Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Sichuan 621010,China)
出处 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期144-149,共6页 Journal of Catastrophology
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1505401) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41877524)。
关键词 强震区 泥石流物源 起动机制 研究进展 meizoseismal area debris flow provenance initiation mechanism research progress
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