
微信群用户参与公共突发事件话题讨论的动机研究 被引量:3

WeChat Group Users’Participation Motivation in Public Emergency Discussion
摘要 [目的/意义]旨在为制定有效引导和监管用户参与公共突发事件的策略提供参考。[方法/过程]在文献研究的基础上,提出微信群用户参与公共突发事件话题讨论的动机主要有:信息动机、社会责任动机、社交动机、从众动机与自我展示动机。[结果/结论]信息动机、社会责任动机、从众动机、自我展示动机与参与意向显著正相关,而社交动机不显著;不同性别、学历与微信使用时长下动机与参与意向关系方面无显著差异。对此,从政府、微信平台两方面提出管理策略。 [Purpose/significance]The paper intends to offer references for strategy making on leading and supervising users’participation in public emergencies.[Method/process]Based on document research the paper summarized the motives of WeChat group users’participation in the discussion of public emergencies are as follows:information motivation social responsibility motivation social motivation herd motivation and self-display motivation.[Result/conclusion]The results show that information motivation social responsibility motivation herd motivation self-display motivation are significantly positively correlated with participation intention while social motivation and participation intention are not significantly correlated.In addition there is no significant difference between motivation and participation intention with different genders educational history and duration of using WeChat.Finally the management strategies are proposed for both the government and WeChat platforms.
作者 何晓兵 罗硕 黄楷胤 He Xiaobing;Luo Shuo;Huang Kaiyin(School of Economics and Management South China Normal University,Guangzhou Guangdong 510000)
出处 《情报探索》 2020年第7期13-20,共8页 Information Research
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划课题“公共突发事件中微信社群用户信息行为演化模型与管理策略研究”(项目编号:GD17CTS02) 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划课题“信息行为分析视角的营造清朗暗社交社群空间策略研究”(项目编号:2018GZGJ27)成果之一。
关键词 微信群 行为动机 参与意向 公共突发事件 WeChat group behavior motivation participation intention public emergency
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