
加班的自我决定程度、时间和报酬对情绪耗竭的影响 被引量:12

The Effects of Self-Determination,Hours and Rewards of Overtime on Emotional Exhaustion
摘要 运用自我决定理论剖析加班动机,探讨加班的自我决定程度对情绪耗竭的影响机制及其与加班时间、加班报酬的交互作用。对369名加班员工的调查发现,加班的自我决定程度负向影响情绪耗竭水平,任务完成感知部分中介了这一过程;长时间加班放大了加班的自我决定程度对情绪耗竭的影响;高自我决定和高加班报酬削弱了加班时间对情绪耗竭的影响;加班报酬对情绪耗竭存在通过加班自我决定程度的负向间接影响。 Although most people are unwilling to work overtime,the phenomenon of voluntary overtime has aroused the attention of scholars.Studies have shown that voluntary overtime can reduce the increase in job burnout caused by overtime work,but little empirical research has been made to elaborate the mechanism through which the motivation of overtime affects employee’s burnout.Besides,the presence or absence of rewards for overtime was associated differently with burnout.Therefore,the present study linked the self-determination motivation of overtime to emotional exhaustion on the basis of self-determination theory,and approached perceived task accomplishment as a mediator between them.This study then examined the interactive effects of self-determination motivation,hours and rewards of overtime on emotional exhaustion.Data for this study were collected through a two-wave survey among 508 employees working in different organizations and industries.At Time 1,employees were asked to report demographic information,self-determination motivation of overtime,overtime hours and the level of rewards for overtime.After 4 weeks(Time 2),participants were asked to evaluate their perceived task accomplishment and emotional exhaustion.The final sample consisted of 369 overtime employees(51.8%were female,mean age=33.76 years),who worked for 8.03 extra hours per week on average.With hierarchical regression and bootstrapping method,the results of data analysis show that:(1)Self-determined motivation of overtime has a negative effect on emotional exhaustion,and perceived task accomplishment plays a partial mediating role in this process.(2)Overtime hours and rewards for overtime have positive and negative effects on emotional exhaustion respectively.(3)There are interactive effects among selfdetermination motivation of overtime,overtime hours and rewards for overtime on emotional exhaustion.Specifically,Long overtime hours strengthen the negative impact of self-determination motivation of overtime on emotional exhaustion,while high self-determined motivation and high overtime rewards weaken the positive impact of overtime hours on emotional exhaustion.Meanwhile,rewards for overtime have indirect negative influence on emotional exhaustion through self-determination motivation of overtime.The findings of this study contribute to overtime literature.First,the motivation of voluntary overtime behavior is further explored.By calculating the self-determination index(SDI),the motivation of overtime work is transformed into a continuous variable that can be measured,which helps to identify employees’willingness to work overtime more accurately.Second,through exploring the mediating role of perceived task accomplishment,this study uncovers the underlying mechanism between self-determination motivation of overtime and burnout.Third,the research found that the three factors of overtime—motivation,hours and rewards have a joint influence on employees’burnout.This study also gives practical advices to organizations and their managers.Firstly,in order to improve employees’occupational mental health,unnecessary overtime hours should be minimized through the improvement of work efficiency by applying new technologies and optimizing management processes.Secondly,enterprises are encouraged to take measures to improve employees’work motivation and proactivity,such as implementing employee stock ownership plan,which could share the success and benefits with employees and offer high rewards for overtime that is sufficient to satisfy employees.The forms of overtime rewards are not limited to economic benefit,but can also include job promotions and personal honors.Lastly,the task assignment should consider task urgency and workload simultaneously.
作者 李锡元 崔景怡 薛莹 Li Xiyuan;Cui Jingyi;Xue Ying(Economics and Management School,Wuhan University,Wuhan,430072)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期697-704,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BGL082) 国家自然科学基金项目(71872134) 国家自然科学基金项目(71872135)的资助。
关键词 加班动机 自我决定程度 加班时间 加班报酬 情绪耗竭 任务完成感知 overtime motivation self-determination overtime hours overtime rewards emotional exhaustion perceived task accomplishment
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