
“天命”如何转移:清朝“大一统”观再诠释 被引量:34

How to Transfer Tianming:Reinterpretation of the Qing Dynasty’s Concept of the Great Unification
摘要 清朝入关后面临着如何重建"正统观"这个重要问题,清帝首先强调清朝对广大疆域占有远迈前代,以突出"正统观"因素中"大一统"的重要性,以"统一"中国的业绩消解和克服宋明"夷夏之辨"歧视北方异族的思想倾向。同时,清帝又通过改造理学"五伦"次序,把"君臣之义"列于"父子关系"之前,修正了宋明"正统观"的道德人伦秩序,建立起了君权至上的独特思想体系。清朝皇帝通过组织编纂《春秋》注释读本,参与阐释其微言大义,并亲自评鉴《资治通鉴》所记史事之成败得失,完全掌控了儒家经典论著的解释权,建立起了一套有别于士林思想的"帝王经学"体系。 After entering the Shanhai Pass,the Qing Dynasty faced with the important issue of how to rebuild the Orthodox View.The Qing emperor first emphasized that the Qing Dynasty’s possession of vast territory greatly exceeded the previous generation to highlight the importance of great unification in the orthodox view factor,and used the achievements of unifying China to dispel and overcame the ideological tendency of the Song and Ming’s Yi Xia Zhi Bian(Sinocentrism)that discriminated against foreign races in the north.At the same time,the Qing emperor reformed the five ethics order of Confucianism,and listed the righteousness of the monarch and minister before the father-son relationship,revised the moral order of the orthodox view of the Song and Ming Dynasties,and established a unique ideological system of supremacy of monarchy.The emperor of the Qing Dynasty organized the compilation of the Spring and Autumn annotated readers,participated in the interpretation of its subtle meaning,and personally evaluated the success or failure of the historical events recorded in History as a Mirror,completely controlled the interpretation of Confucian classics,and established a system of Imperial Classics that was different from scholars’thinking.
作者 杨念群 Yang Nianqun
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期21-46,199,共27页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
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