
胸部CT指导冠脉造影(治疗)术导管选择的价值研究 被引量:1

Value of chest CT in guiding catheter selection of coronary angiography (treatment)
摘要 目的探讨胸部CT指导冠脉造影(治疗)术导管选择的价值。方法选择2018年1月~2019年1月我院收治的300例行冠状动脉造影(治疗)术的患者作为研究对象,采用单双号法分组,单号为对照组,双号为研究组,每组各150例,对照组采用超声指导造影导管选择,研究组采用胸部CT指导造影导管选择,对比两组患者导管选型、大小合适率、导管选择花费时间、手术总耗时、治疗总有效率及手术过程中动脉管壁损伤发生率。结果研究组患者导管选型合适率(98.00%)、大小合适率(98.67%)均显著高于对照组(85.33%、86.67%),研究组患者导管选择花费时间为(13.76±1.73)min、手术总耗时为(37.18±2.72)min均显著短于对照组的(21.23±2.15)min、(58.96±3.44)min,研究组患者治疗总有效率(96.67%)显著高于对照组(77.33%),研究组患者手术过程中动脉管壁损伤发生率(0.67%)显著低于对照组(15.33%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在冠状动脉造影术中采用胸部CT指导临床患者选择造影导管,不仅能有效提高患者导管选型、大小合适率、缩短导管选择花费时间和降低其脉管壁损伤发生率,还能有效提高手术整体治疗效果,提高患者预后质量。 Objective To explore the value of chest CT in guiding coronary angiography(treatment)catheter selection.Methods A total of 300 patients undergoing coronary angiography(treatment)admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to January 2019 were enrolled in the study.The patients were grouped according to single and double numbers.The patients with single number were enrolled as the control group.The patients with double number were enrolled as the study group.There were 150 patients in each group.The control group used ultrasound guidance to select the contrast catheter.The study group used chest CT guidance to select the contrast catheter.The catheter selection,size suitability,catheter selection time,the total time spent on surgery,the total effective rate of treatment,and the incidence of arterial wall injury during surgery and time were compared between the two groups.Results The appropriate rate of catheter selection(98.00%)and size suitability rate(98.67%)were significantly higher in the study group than those in the control group(85.33%and 86.67%).The catheter selection time in the study group([13.76±1.73]min),the total time of surgery([37.18±2.72]min)was significantly shorter than that of the control group([21.23±2.15]min and[58.96±3.44]min).The total effective rate of treatment in the study group(96.67%)was significantly higher than that of the control group(77.33%).The incidence of arterial wall injury during the operation of the study group(0.67%)was significantly lower than that of the control group(15.33%),and the differences between two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The use of chest CT in coronary angiography to guide clinical selection of contrast catheters not only can effectively improve the patient's catheter selection and size appropriate rate,shorten the catheter selection time and reduce the incidence of vascular wall injury,but also can effectively improve the overall therapeutic effect of the operation,improving the quality of the patient's prognosis.
作者 龙媛 蒋烽烽 LONG Yuan;JIANG Fengfeng(Department of Medical Imaging,Jinhua Central Hospital in Zhejiang Province,Jinhua321000,China)
出处 《中国现代医生》 2020年第30期122-126,共5页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(LGF18H090013)。
关键词 胸部CT 冠脉造影 导管选择 主动脉 冠状动脉 Chest CT Coronary angiography Catheter selection Aorta Coronary
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