
SMP连接器装焊工艺技术 被引量:7

Soldering Process of SMP Connector
摘要 作为无源微波组件的核心器件,SMP连接器焊接质量的优劣直接影响组件指标的好坏。分析了SMP连接器搪锡去金工艺、焊接工艺、安装孔结构等,提出了一种用于SMP连接器外导体搪锡去金方法,解决了连接器外导体搪锡去金质量一致性差、效率低等难题。基于理论计算量化控制焊料,提出了一种安装孔尺寸与焊料量匹配设计方法,实现了高钎透率焊接控制。典型无源微波组件SMP连接器的焊接质量验证了方法的可靠性,满足了产品高钎透率、高一致性,从而提高了产品的电气性能。 As a core component of passive microwave module,the soldering quality of SMP connector directly affects the performance index of module.The degolding process,the soldering process,the structure of mounting hole of SMP connector are analyzed.A new degolding and pretinning method of SMP connector is put forward,which solves the problems of poor quality and low efficiency.Through quantitativing control solder based on theoretical calculation and proposing a match design method of mounting hole volume and solder volume,high penetration rate soldering is achieved.The reliability of the proposed method is verified by the soldering quality of SMP connector of typical passive microwave module,which can meet the requirements of high penetration rate and high consistency soldering,so as to increasing the electrical properties of the product.
作者 吴瑛 陈该青 许春停 倪靖伟 WU Ying;CHEN Gaiqing;XU Chunting;NI Jingwei(The 38th Research Institute of CETC,Hefei 230031,China)
出处 《电子工艺技术》 2020年第6期328-332,共5页 Electronics Process Technology
基金 十三五装备预先研究项目(41423070103)。
关键词 SMP连接器 焊接 搪锡去金 焊料量化控制 高钎透率 SMP connector degolding and pretinning quantifi cation control of solder high penetration rate soldering
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