
“新工科”背景下融合MOOC和翻转课堂的教学模式探索与实践——以西北工业大学《计算机编码与密码学》课程为例 被引量:10

Exploration and Practice of the Teaching Mode of Integrating MOOC and Flipped Classroom under the Background of "New Engineering" --Takingthe Computer Coding and Cryptography Course of Northwest Polytechnic University as an Example
摘要 《计算机编码与密码学》是信息安全及相关专业的一门综合性专业核心课程,具有很强的理论性和实践性,课程内容复杂、难度高,涉及多门学科的知识,在我国该课程开设时间较短,普遍采用传统课堂授课方式,使得目前国内大多开课院校的教学效果受到限制,达不到“新工科”专业培养目标和要求。本研究将《计算机编码与密码学》课程教学内容和特点,与国内外MOOC和翻转课堂的成功教学经验相结合,通过近几年的摸索与实践,提出融合MOOC和翻转课堂的校本《计算机编码与密码学》课程教学模式改革新方案,符合“新工科”培养多层次、多规格、且具备多学科知识和复合型技术的信息安全人才的专业培养目标和要求。通过教学实践,表明所提出的教学模式改革新方案能够显著提高教学质量,可为高等教育教学的改革与创新提供借鉴。 "Computer Coding and Cryptography"is a core course for information security and related majors.With strong theoretical and practical nature,the course content is complex and difficult,involving knowledge of multiple subjects.In China,this course has been offered for a short time,and the traditional classroom teaching method is widely adopted.As a result,the teaching effect of most courses opening colleges and universities in China is limited,which fails to meet the training objectives and requirements of"new engineering".This study combines the teaching content and characteristics of computer coding and cryptography with the successful teaching experience of MOOC and flipped classroom at home and abroad.Through the exploration and practice in recent years,this paper puts forward a new teaching mode reform plan of the school-based computer coding and cryptography which integrates MOOC and flipped classroom,which is in line with the objectives and requirements of cultivating multi-level,multi-specification information security talents with multi-disciplinary knowledge and complex technology.The two semesters of teaching practice shows that the proposed new teaching mode reform scheme can significantly improve the teaching quality and provide reference for the reform and innovation of higher education teaching.
作者 周敏 王莉芳 ZHOU Min;WANG Lifang(不详)
出处 《高教学刊》 2021年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 陕西高等教育教学改革研究项目“新工科人才培养模式研究与探索”(编号:19BY012) 西北工业大学教育教学改革研究项目“计算机编码与密码学课程教学改革探索”(编号:2018020)。
关键词 “新工科” MOOC 翻转课堂 信息安全 教学模式 "New Engineering" MOOC flipped classroom information security model of teaching
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