
寡头干政何时了?——论乌克兰国家治理的困境及根源 被引量:5

When will be the End of Oligarch Interference in Politics?On Dilemma and Root Causes of Governance in Ukraine
摘要 乌克兰自独立以来,寡头影响成为其政治体制的重要特征和国家治理困境的关键因素。伴随经济、政治和社会的全面转轨,乌克兰寡头与政治精英建立起非正式的关系网络,并通过担任正式的政治职位和控制主要的大众媒体,操纵政治决策过程,以保持和扩大寻租机会。寡头政治作为乌克兰精英政治的一部分,是非正式的,也是国家寡头化的过程,不仅是危机的原因,更是危机的结果。乌克兰寡头对经济的垄断,阻碍了国家的发展和民主进程。政治权力转移没有对乌克兰寡头政治体制带来深刻影响,政府与寡头之间的关系没有发生实质性变化。寡头影响已经融入乌克兰的经济、政治和社会之中,打破寡头政治体系将是一项长期挑战。 Since Ukrainian independence referendum in 1991,influences of oligarchs have increasingly become an important feature and key factor of its political regime.With the overall transition in economy,politics and society,some Ukrainian oligarchs have gradually established informal networks with political elites.They held formal political positions and controlled major mass media,manipulating the political decision-making process to maintain and expand their rent-seeking room.As part of Ukrainian elite politics,oligarch politics is informal,which is both the cause and result of the crisis.Oligarchs’monopoly in economy has hindered development and democracy of Ukraine.Power transfer in politics has had few impacts on Ukrainian oligarchy.And there are no substantial changes in the relationship between the government and oligarchs as well.Actually,oligarchs’influences have been integrated into Ukraine’s economy,politics and society.It will be a long-term challenge for Ukraine to break away from its oligarch politics.
作者 毕洪业 江博 Bi Hongye;Jiang Bo
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期136-164,共29页 Russian Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“跨欧亚伙伴关系背景下的中俄两河流域合作研究”(项目批准号:17BGJ032) 国家社科基金一般项目“乌克兰危机冲击下的俄罗斯与欧洲关系及中国的应对研究”(项目批准号:15BGJ052)的阶段性成果。
关键词 乌克兰国家治理 乌克兰寡头政治 乌克兰精英政治 Ukrainian Governance Ukrainian Oligarch Politics Ukrainian Elite Politics
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  • 1冯绍雷.乌克兰危机的人文透视——读《乌克兰:沉重的历史脚步》有感[J].俄罗斯研究,2005(1):15-20. 被引量:9
  • 2《列宁选集》(第二卷),第626、第627页,人民出版社,1995.
  • 3Stephen Rudrtitsky, Ukraine, the Land and lts People." an Introduction to lts Geography, New York: Rand McNaliy, 1918, p. 11.
  • 4Oleksandr Saltovsky, "The Geopolitical Component of Ukrainian Nation-Building Thought: First Half of the Twentieth Century", in Oleksandr Derhachov, ed., Ukrainian Statehood in the Twentieth Century: History and Political Analysis, Kyiv: Political Thought, 1996, p.83.
  • 5Stephen Rudnitsky, Ukraine, the Land and Its People: an Introduction to Its Geography, p.220.
  • 6Oleksandr Saltovsky, "The Geopolitical Component of Ukrainian Nation-Building Thought: First Half of the Twentieth Century", p.84.
  • 7Oleksandr Saltovsky, "The Geopolitical Component of Ukrainian Nation-Building Thought: First Half of the Twentieth Century", p.89.
  • 8Stephen Rudnitsky, Ukraine, the Land and 1is People: an Introduction to Its Geography, p.14.
  • 9Oleksandr Saltovsky, "The Geopolitical Component of Ukrainian Nation-Building Thought: First Half of the Twentieth Century", p.91.
  • 10Oleksandr Saltovsky, "The Geopolitical Component of Ukrainian Nation-Building Thought: First Half of the Twentieth Century", p.83.












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