

A Study on the Sign System and Its Operation Mechanism of Peking Opera Translation
摘要 京剧的独特性在于其舞台表演。京剧借助于舞台上错综复杂的符号系统来传递意义,表达审美,以展现和传播中华传统文化。本文基于京剧翻译的视角,分析了京剧发展的背景、京剧剧本的特征、京剧符号系统及其运作机制,以及20世纪30年代梅兰芳京剧团访美演出中的翻译活动,在此基础上进行归纳而提出:京剧翻译重在舞台表演而非剧本文本,译者应研究舞台表演翻译以对外传播京剧艺术;认识京剧符号系统的特点及其运作机制是译者从事京剧舞台表演翻译的前提;受舞台时空限制,舞台翻译需要结合相应的传播策略、途径;为保证京剧翻译质量应采用戏曲专家与译者通力合作的翻译模式。 The uniqueness of Peking Opera lies in its stage performance.By means of the intricate sign systems on the stage,Peking Opera conveys meaning and expresses aesthetics in order to show and spread traditional Chinese culture.This paper discusses Beijing Opera translation based on its uniqueness.By analyzing its historical background,the characteristics of its script,its sign systems and operation mechanism and those translation activities during Mei Lanfang’s performance in the United States in the 1930 s,the paper concluded:1.in the dissemination of Peking Opera,translators should focus on the translation of its stage performances as Beijing Opera lives in its performance rather than in the text of its plays;2.to understand the characteristics and operation mechanism of the sign systems is the precondition for translators to be engaged in the translation of stage performances;3.to be limited by the time and space of the stage,the translation activities need to be combined with the corresponding communication strategies and channels;4.in order to ensure the translation quality,it is necessary to adopt a translation mode by which experts and translators work together.
作者 张佳东 Zhang Jiadong
出处 《文学与文化》 2020年第4期102-109,共8页 Literature and Culture Studies
关键词 京剧翻译 舞台表演 符号系统 运作机制 文化传播 Beijing Opera Translation Stage Performance Sign System Operation Mechanism Cultural Transmission
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