目的通过分析2018年吉林市重点职业病监测结果,为吉林市职业病防治工作提供必要参考。方法通过吉林市7家职业健康检查机构的职业病报告系统个案导出数据、职业健康检查系统导出数据,收集2018年接触煤尘(煤矽尘)、矽尘、苯、铅、噪声、石棉等6种职业病危害因素,对作业人员的职业健康检查数据进行汇总分析,评估职业健康风险。结果 2018年吉林市全年接触重点职业病危害因素劳动者中疑似职业病人检出率为0.14%,职业禁忌证检出率为0.26%。专项检查指标异常情况:矽尘所致肺功能异常比例为54.88%,煤尘(煤矽肺)所致肺功能异常比例为16.7%,苯所致专项指标异常者比例分别为白细胞异常率2.28%、中性粒细胞异常率2.20%、血小板异常率0.18%,接触噪声作业人员双耳高频平均听阈≥40 dB的比例为11.46%。结论噪声、矽尘、煤尘(煤矽尘)仍是吉林市主要的职业病危害因素,重点职业病仍是尘肺病和噪声聋,主要分布行业集中在采矿业和制造业,应作为吉林地区职业病防治工作的重点。
Objective To provide a necessary reference for the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases in Jilin city by analyzing the monitoring of key occupational diseases in Jilin city in 2018.Methods The data used to analyze occupational health examination and assess occupational health risks were exported from the occupational disease reporting system of 7 occupational health examination institutions in Jilin province, were also exported from the occupational health inspection system, and were collected from six kinds of occupational hazards such as coal dust(silicon coal dust), dust, benzene, lead, noise and asbestos relating to coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, silicosis, benzene poisoning and benzene-induced leukemia, lead poisoning, noise sputum, asbestos pneumoconiosis, which were the key monitored occupational disease of Jilin city in 2018.Results In Jilin province, the detection rate of suspected occupational patients among the workers exposed to key occupational diseases in the whole year of 2018 was 0.14%;the detection rate of occupational contraindications was 0.26%.The abnormality of special inspection indicators were as follows.The proportion of pulmonary function abnormalities caused by silicious dust was 54.88%, coal dust(coal sputum lung) was 16.7%, and the proportion of abnormal benzene-induced special indicators was 2.28%. The neutrophil abnormal rate was 2.20%, the platelet abnormality rate was 0.18%. The ratio of the high-frequency average hearing threshold which was greater than 40 dB of the contact noise operator was 11.46%.Conclusion Noise, silicious dust and coal dust(silicon coal dust) are still the main occupational hazards in Jilin, and the key occupational diseases are still pneumoconiosis and noise. The main distribution industries are concentrated in mining and manufacturing, which should be the focus of occupational disease prevention and control in our region.
QIU Yue;WANG Zeng-jie;ZHU Yan(Department of Occupational Health Examination,Jilin Occupational Disease Prevention Hospital,Jilin Jilin 132013,China)
Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
Key occupational disease monitoring
Occupational health examination
Occupational health risk assessment