
甩箱甩港措施下内支线班轮航线优化模型 被引量:3

Model for Feeder Liner Shipping Service Optimization under Cargo Rejection and Port Omitting
摘要 考虑了船舶装卸箱量、港口装卸效率、船舶等泊时间与航行时间的不确定性,采用了运营层面的船速调节、甩箱应急、甩港应急的干扰恢复措施,对战术层面的港口挂靠顺序、计划到港时间及航线适配船型进行联合优化。构建了一个含复杂机会约束条件的TSP模型,并设计了基于模拟仿真的TSP问题遗传算法。对环渤海内支线进行算例分析,结果表明:采用甩箱应急后,所有航线的适配船型平均下降了16.1%,运营成本降低了12.8%;采用甩港应急后,长航线的准班率平均增长了10.8%,运营成本降低了12.4%。在保证运营稳定性的前提下,甩箱甩港措施可以降低航线运营成本,可见模型与算法是有效的。 Considering the uncertainties of freight demand,handling efficiency,waiting time for berth and sailing time at sea,under the operational recovery methods of speed adjustment,cargo rejection and port omitting,the vessel capacity and committed arrival time in the tactical level have been jointly optimized.As for this,the TSP model with complex chance constraints was proposed,and the genetic algorithm based on simulation has been designed.Taking the feeder liner shipping in Bohai Bay as example,the calculation results showed:with cargo rejection emergency,the ship capacities of all the routes decreased by 16.1% and the operation costs decreased by 12.8%;with port omitting emergency,the on-time performance of all the long routes increased by 10.8% and the operation costs decreased by 12.4%.On the basis of guaranteeing the operation reliability,the cargo rejection and port omitting contribute to decrease the operation costs. Therefore,the effectiveness of the model and algorithm can be verified.
作者 杜剑 赵旭 王军 郭力铭 DU Jian;ZHAO Xu;WANG Jun;GUO Liming(Transportation Engineering College,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
出处 《工业工程与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期33-41,共9页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(71572022,61473053) 国家社会科学基金(18VHQ005)。
关键词 内支线班轮航线 在港与航行时间不确定 含机会约束条件的TSP模型 甩箱甩港措施 模拟仿真方法 feeder liner shipping port time and sail time uncertainties TSP model with chance constraints cargo rejection and port omitting simulation algorithm
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