
抗紫外吸湿排汗复合功能织物的性能研究 被引量:5

Study on the properties of fabric with UV-resistant,moisture absorbance and wicking functions
摘要 为探究纬纱中不同功能性纤维含量、纬密和织物组织对抗紫外吸湿排汗复合功能织物的性能影响,选择吸湿排汗涤纶长丝、抗紫外涤纶短纤纱和吸湿排汗涤纶短纤纱作为原料,以投纬比例、纬密、织物组织作为变化因子,设计并织造了3个系列共24种不同规格的机织物试样。文章对这24种试样的抗紫外性和吸湿排汗性进行测试,结果表明:抗紫外性总体随着纬纱中抗紫外涤纶纤维含量、纬密的增大而增强,织物组织结构越紧密,其抗紫外性能越好;吸湿排汗性总体随着纬纱中吸湿排汗涤纶纤维含量的增大而增强,但纬密增大会一定程度降低织物的吸湿排汗性,织物组织结构越稀疏,其吸湿排汗性则越好。基于模糊数学综合评判法的数学模型,对3个系列试样分别进行模糊综合评判,判断出A系列中综合性能最佳的为纬纱中抗紫外涤纶纤维含量33.33%、吸湿排汗涤纶纤维含量66.67%的试样;B系列中综合性能最佳的为纬纱中抗紫外涤纶纤维含量20%、吸湿排汗涤纶纤维含量80%的试样;C系列中综合性能最佳的是织物组织为八枚缎纹的试样。 To explore the influence of different contents of functional fiber,weft density and fabric weave in the filling yarn on the properties of fabrics with UV-resistant,moisture absorbance and wicking functions,moisture absorbance and wicking polyester filament yarn,UV-resistant spun polyester yarn and moisture absorbance and wicking spun polyester yarn were selected as the raw materials.3 series and 24 kinds of woven fabric samples with different specifications were designed and woven,with weft insertion ratio,weft density and fabric weave as the variation factors.The results showed that the UV resistance generally increased with the increase of the content of UV-resistant polyester fiber in the filling yarn and weft density.The tighter fabric weave,the better UV resistance.The moisture absorbance and wicking performance generally increased with the increase of the content of moisture absorbance and wicking polyester fiber in the filling yarn,but the increase of weft density would lower the moisture absorbance and wicking performance of the fabric to a certain degree.The sparser fabric weave,the better moisture absorbance and wicking performance.Based on the mathematical model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method,a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was conducted on 3 series of samples.The results showed that:In Series A,the best-performing sample was the one that contained 33.33%UV-resistant polyester fiber and 66.67%moisture absorbance and wicking fiber in the filling yarn;in Series B,the best-performing sample was the one that contained20%UV-resistant polyester fiber and 80%moisture absorbance and wicking fiber in the filling yarn;while in Series C,the best-performing sample was the one whose fabric weave was eight-heddle satin weave.
作者 潘薇 王韵杰 祝成炎 田伟 赵革 姚伟锋 张红霞 PAN Wei;WANG Yunjie;ZHU Chengyan;TIAN Wei;ZHAO Ge;YAO Weifeng;ZHANG Hongxia(Key Laworatory of Advanced Textile Materials aud Preparation Teachniques,Ministry of Education,Zhejing Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China;Deqing Jinsiyuan Textile Co.,Ltd.,Huzhou 313200,China)
出处 《丝绸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期30-35,共6页 Journal of Silk
关键词 涤纶 抗紫外 吸湿排汗 模糊综合评判 复合功能 影响因素 polyester UV-resistant moisture absorbance and wicking fuzzy comprehensive evaluation composite function influence factors
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