
聚氨酯应用于缓控释肥料无溶剂包膜的研究进展 被引量:7

Research progress of polyurethane used for solventless coatings of slow/controlled release fertilizers
摘要 精准施肥是当今农业绿色发展的标志性方向,缓控释肥料以可控的方式为植物提供营养的同时,最大限度减少养分损失,降低环境风险。无溶剂聚氨酯包膜材料是当前缓控释肥料研究的重要分支。为更好地掌握研究现状与发展趋势,从材料合成的角度入手,对无溶剂聚氨酯包膜的合成技术、产品种类、改性方法等方面的进展进行了分析、对比和综述。分析表明,不同种类的生物质原料已被应用于包膜合成中,丰富了聚氨酯包膜的来源和种类。填充、互穿聚合物网络、有机硅等是膜材有效的改性方法。指出了简单、高效、低成本的改性方法,明确的控释机制及性能调控,膜材绿色环保、功能化、产业化是今后无溶剂聚氨酯包膜研究的主要趋势。 Precision fertilization is the key direction of agricultural green development. Slow/controlled release fertilizer provides nutrition for plants at a pace that is compatible with their needs, to minimize nutrient loss and environmental risk. Solventless polyurethane coating material is an important branch in the current research of slow/controlled release fertilizer. In order to better grasp the research status and development trend, the progress in these aspects, such as synthesis technologies, product types and modification methods is analyzed, compared and summarized from the point of view of material synthesis. The analysis results show that different kinds of biomass raw materials have been applied in the synthesis of coating, which enrich the source and variety of coatings. Filling, interpenetrating polymer network and organosilicon are effective modification methods for coating materials. It is pointed out that simple and efficient modification method with low cost, clear controlled release mechanism and performance control, green and environmental protection, functional and industrialization of membrane materials are the main trends of solventless polyurethane coating research in the future.
作者 李丽霞 赵同科 衣文平 邹国元 肖强 LI Lixia;ZHAO Tongke;YI Wenping;ZOU Guoyuan;XIAO Qiang(Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resource,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097,China;Research Center of Beijing Municipal Slow and Controlled Release Fertilizers Engineering Technology,Beijing 100097,China)
出处 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期269-275,281,共8页 Fine Chemicals
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0200608,2018YFD0200607-1) 国家自然科学基金(31972510) 北京市自然科学基金(6202007)。
关键词 聚氨酯 生物质 缓控释肥料 改性 可持续性 polyurethane biomass slow/controlled release fertilizers modification sustainability
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