
满人封疆大吏崧蕃与庚子西巡前后的陕甘政情 被引量:3

The Manchu Provincial Magnate Song Fan and the Political Situation in Shaanxi-Gansu Provinces Before and After Empress Dowager Cixi’s Western Tour in 1900
摘要 庚子西巡中西安成为"陪都",地位顿时凸显,陕甘总督和陕西巡抚因之更加重要。研究表明,庚子年陕甘总督由湘军大将魏光焘突然过渡到满人崧蕃的内情和影响颇不寻常。这既与魏光焘勤王不力不无关系,也是慈禧太后彼时更信任旗人的鲜明体现,还与复杂敏感的董福祥善后问题密切关联。与庚子年"惩处"董福祥问题已经较为清楚不同,辛丑回銮过程中的二次"惩董"问题尚扑朔迷离。崧蕃与曾经的西北大员、现任军机大臣荣禄和鹿传霖主张用怀柔之法,而袁世凯、刘坤一、张之洞等东南督抚力主处死董福祥,各方都有过刀光剑影的秘密运作。庚子西巡期间陕甘总督的人事变动和董福祥问题的处理结果,预示着湘系式微、满回增强的权势转移和政情变化,正在陕甘地区悄然发生。 Xi’an(西安)became the"second capital"after Empress Dowager Cixi(慈禧太后),Emperor Guangxu(光绪)and the whole imperial court fled from Peking and evacuated to Xi’an because the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Peking from 1900 to 1901.As a result,Xi’an’s status immediately became prominent,and the Governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces(陕甘总督)and the Provincial Governor of Shaanxi(陕西巡抚)became more important.This paper argues that it was quite unusual that the position of the Governor-General of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces suddenly transferred from Wei Guangtao(魏光焘),a general of the Hunan Army(湘军),to a Manchu official named Song Fan(崧蕃),in 1900.This was not only related to Wei Guangtao’s inefficiency to serve the imperial court,but also was a clear manifestation of Empress Dowager Cixi’s deeper trust in Manchu bannermen(满洲旗人)at that time.Moreover,it was closely related to Dong Fuxiang’s(董福祥)complex and sensitive aftermath issue.The case concerning"the punishment of Dong Fuxiang"in 1900 proved relatively clear.However,the story of"the re-punishment of Dong Fuxiang"was still full of mysteries in the process of Empress Dowager Cixi’s return to Peking in 1901.Song Fan,Rong Lu(荣禄)who was the former Provincial Magnate of Northwestern China(西北大员)and the current Grand Minister of State(军机大臣),and Lu Chuanlin(鹿传霖)advocated giving Dong Fuxiang a soft landing,while such governors-general and provincial governors of Southeastern China as Yuan Shikai(袁世凯),Liu Kunyi(刘坤一),and Zhang Zhidong(张之洞),insisted on giving Dong Fuxiang capital punishment.All parties involved had secret operations around this case.This paper thus shows that the personnel changes of the Governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces in 1900 and the solutions of Dong Fuxiang’s problem predicted that the power transfer and the political mutation shown in the rise of the Manchus and the Muslims and the fall of the Hunan faction(湘系),were quietly taking place in Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces.
作者 韩策 Han Ce(Department of History,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期127-135,共9页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 庚子事变 陕甘总督 慈禧太后 董福祥 荣禄 袁世凯 the Incident in 1900(庚子事变) Governor-general of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces(陕甘总督) Empress Dowager Cixi(慈禧太后) Dong Fuxiang(董福祥) Rong Lu(荣禄) Yuan Shikai(袁世凯)
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