
云南省生物多样性保护进展、成效与前瞻 被引量:28

Progress, achievements and prospects of biodiversity protection in Yunnan Province
摘要 《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)计划于2021年在云南昆明召开,大会将评估《2011-2020年生物多样性战略计划》执行情况及实施进展。如能达成协议,将出台"2020年后全球生物多样性框架",作为指导2020年之后全球生物多样性保护的最新纲领性文件。这是生物多样性保护国际进程的一个里程碑,也是展现中国以及云南多年来生物多样性保护成效的重要契机。作为中国生物多样性最为丰富的省份和具有全球意义的生物多样性关键地区之一,云南在生物多样性保护方面投入巨大努力,在全国较早发布省级《生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2012-2030年)》、开创地方立法先河、率先试点建设国家公园、较早开展县域生物多样性本底调查与评估研究工作、建立了首个国家级野生生物种质资源库等,在就地保护、迁地保护、重大生态工程等众多领域都取得显著成效。本文在梳理云南生物多样性保护进展与成就的基础上,对保护成效进行了评估,并有针对性地探讨了云南生物多样性保护未来发展方向及重大意义,加强全省农业生物多样性的保护与可持续利用、发挥跨境生物多样性保护及减贫示范作用、协调发展生物多样性保护与少数民族传统知识保护等方面是云南省生物多样性保护今后发展的重要方向,同时本文也为进一步促进云南生物多样性保护与管理提供了基础资料,并为COP15提供地方履约实例。 Background & Aim:The 15 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity(COP 15) will take place in Kunming,Yunnan Province in 2021.The conference will assess the implementation and progress of the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020.Once review is complete,the conference participants will produce the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework,which will become a contemporary document to guide the global conservation of biological diversity after 2020.This conference represents a milestone in the international process of biodiversity conservation and provides an important opportunity for Yunnan to demonstrate its practice and achievements in recent years.Review Results:Yunnan is the most biodiverse province in China,and it is therefore a key area of global biodiversity significance.Yunnan has also put great effort into biodiversity conservation,including the following achievements:the provincial Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan(2012-2030) was one of the first issued in the country;became the first province to enact local legislation on biodiversity conservation;took the lead in the construction of national parks;carried out the evaluation of inventory of county-level biodiversity;and established the first national wildlife germplasm resource bank.Additional significant achievements have been made in in situ conservation,ex situ conservation,and major ecological protection projects.Perspectives:To provide basic information for biodiversity conservation in Yunnan,and local implementation examples for COP15,we will assess the progress of biodiversity conservation of Yunnan,evaluate the conservation effects,consider future development directions,and explore the significance of biodiversity in Yunnan.What’s more,we point out that the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity in Yunnan,the demonstration role of cross-border biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction,and the coordinated development of biodiversity conservation and traditional knowledge protection of ethnic minorities are important directions for the future development of biodiversity conservation in Yunnan Province.
作者 刘春晖 杨京彪 尹仑 Chunhui Liu;Jingbiao Yang;Lun Yin(College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081;Center for Ecological Civilization,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650233)
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期200-211,共12页 Biodiversity Science
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划重大项目“云南生物多样性保护法治实践经验研究”(ZDZB201906) 生态环境部生物多样性调查评估项目(2019HJ2096001006) 生态环境部生物多样性调查、观测和评估项目(2019-2023年)。
关键词 生物多样性公约 进展 成效 生物多样性保护 传统知识 云南 Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) progress achievements biodiversity conservation traditional knowledge Yunnan Province
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