
中小学教师工作负荷:结构、水平与类型 被引量:30

The Workload of Primary and Secondary School Teachers:Structure,Level and Type
摘要 研究基于对东部、中部和西部5000多名中小学教师调查的数据,探究中小学教师工作负荷的结构、水平与类型。结果显示,中小学教师工作负荷是由非教学工作、工作时间、间接教学工作和直接教学工作等四个要素构成,中小学教师工作负荷比较重。中小学教师工作负荷水平在地区、城乡、学段、岗位、是否班主任,以及是否寄宿制学校等方面存在显著的差异。进一步聚类分析发现,中小学教师工作负荷集中体现为均衡低负荷型和非均衡高负荷型。为此,需要科学认识为教师减负,因地、因人制宜,集中攻破教师减负难题。 Based on the survey data of more than 5000 primary and secondary school teachers in the eastern,central and western regions of our country,this study explores the structure,level and type of primary and secondary school teachers workload.The results show that the workload of primary and secondary school teachers is composed of four elements:non-teaching work,working time,indirect teaching work and direct teaching work.The workload of primary and secondary school teachers is relatively heavy.There are significant differences in the work load level of primary and secondary school teachers in areas,urban and rural areas,school stages,posts,whether they are class teachers and whether they are boarding schools.Further cluster analysis shows that the workload of primary and secondary school teachers is mainly reflected in balanced low load type and unbalanced high load type.Therefore,reducing teachers’burden needs scientific understanding,adjusting measures to local conditions,and concentrating on tackling problems.
作者 李新翠 LI Xincui(Research Center for Teacher Development,National Institute of Education Sciences,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期82-89,共8页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 中国教育科学研究院2020年度基本科研业务费专项资金所级部门项目“十四五期间教师队伍建设目标任务和思路举措”[GYI2020007]。
关键词 中小学教师 工作负荷 工作负荷水平 工作负荷结构 primary and secondary school teachers workload workload level workload structure
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