
功能锻炼决策辅助对单侧全膝关节置换恐动症患者的影响 被引量:28

Effect of functional exercise decision aids on patients with kinesiophobia after unilateral total knee arthroplasty
摘要 目的探讨决策辅助对单侧全膝关节置换恐动症患者术后功能锻炼依从性的影响。方法按照住院时间将单侧全膝关节置换术后恐动症患者143例分为对照组72例和干预组71例。对照组给予常规治疗和护理,干预组在循证基础上,通过专家会议,构建并实施功能锻炼决策辅助方案。比较两组患者出院时、术后1个月和3个月功能锻炼依从性、恐动症和膝关节功能评分。结果干预后两组功能锻炼依从性、恐动症和膝关节功能评分的时间效应、组间效应和交互效应显著(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论决策辅助有利于提高单侧全膝关节置换恐动症患者术后功能锻炼依从性,降低恐动水平,改善其膝关节功能。 Objective To explore the effect of decision aids on postoperative functional exercise compliance in patients with kinesiophobia after unilateral total knee arthroplasty.Methods A total of 143 patients with kinesiophobia after unilateral total knee arthroplasty were divided into a control group of 72 cases and an intervention group of 71 cases chronologically.The control group was given routine treatment and nursing,while the intervention group constructed and implemented functional exercise decision aids program based on evidence and expert meetings.The compliance of functional exercise,kinesiophobia and knee function of the two groups were compared at discharge,1 month and 3 months after operation.Results After the intervention,the time effect,intervention effect and time×intervention interaction effect of functional exercise compliance score,kinesiophobia and knee function score of the two groups were significant(P<0.05,P<0.01).Conclusion Decision aids is conducive to enhancing postoperative functional exercise compliance of patients with kinesiophobia after unilateral total knee arthroplasty,reducing the level of kinesiophobia and improving their knee function.
作者 郭玉茹 刘延锦 徐慧萍 蔡立柏 王琦 郭丽娜 王彦艳 高欢欢 徐秋露 Guo Yuru;Liu Yanjin;Xu Huiping;Cai Libai;Wang Qi;Guo Lina;Wang Yanyan;Gao Huanhuan;Xu Qiulu(Department of Orthopedics,The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期73-76,共4页 Journal of Nursing Science
基金 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(19A320060) 河南省医学科技攻关计划(联合共建)项目(LHGJ20190074)。
关键词 全膝关节置换术 恐动症 决策辅助 功能锻炼 依从性 膝关节功能 total knee arthroplasty kinesiophobia decision aids functional exercise compliance knee function
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