
基于科研和教学相结合的林业生物技术课程研究生教学改革探索 被引量:4

Exploration on the Postgraduate Teaching Reform of Forestry Biotechnology Course Based on the Combination of Scientific Research and Teaching
摘要 林业生物技术课程融合了林木细胞工程、基因工程、分子生物学以及林木育种学的多学科内容,其涉及的技术及相关原理信息量非常大。随着生命科学的发展,为高等农林院校林学类研究生开设的"林业生物技术"学术学位课程,对于拓宽研究生专业知识面、提高研究生科研素质起着重要的作用。因此,必须开展研究生课程教学改革,通过系统传授该领域前沿知识,提高研究生创新意识,全方位培养研究生实践能力和科研创新能力。从林业生物技术课程的教学要求和特点出发,结合林学专业人才培养目标,基于科研和教学相结合进行教学,提高教学效果的同时,以期培养研究生科研思维能力和实践能力。 Forestry biotechnology involves a great deal of information on technology and related principles.With the development of life sciences,the academic degree course"forestry biotechnology"offered for forestry graduate students in agricultural and forestry universities plays a very important role in broadening the professional knowledge of graduate students and improving their scientific research quality.Therefore,it is necessary to carry out education and teaching reform,actively carry out exploration and research through systematic knowledge and skills,improve graduate students’innovative consciousness,and cultivate graduate students’practical ability and scientific research innovation ability in an all-round way.Based on the teaching requirements and characteristics of forestry biotechnology course,combined with the training objectives of forestry professionals,the teaching was based on the combination of scientific research and teaching,improving the teaching effect,and at the same time,training the graduate students’scientific research thinking ability and practical ability.
作者 张丽杰 崔建国 吴月亮 王钦美 邓继峰 ZHANG Li-jie;CUI Jian-guo;WU Yue-liang(College of Forestry,Shenyang Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Forest Tree Genetics,Breeding and Cultivation of Liaoning Province,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2021年第10期270-272,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 沈阳农业大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目(2019-yjs-12)。
关键词 林业生物技术 科研和教学 教学改革 Forestry biotechnology Scientific research and teaching Teaching reform
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