
人工智能技术在火电行业的应用探讨 被引量:15

Discussion on Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Thermal Power Industry
摘要 在调研国内外人工智能发展现状和技术路线的基础上,思考人工智能技术在火电行业的应用场景和技术突破点,探讨人工智能在火电行业的技术发展方向。分析火电企业生产经营过程中,在感知、决策、执行等环节所需的计算机视觉、大数据、物联网、智能控制和智能机器人等技术路线,论述在安全管理、生产管理以及经营决策等场景的人工智能技术应用,并对典型应用案例进行分析,提出人工智能技术在火电行业的重点研究方向。 Based on an investigation of the status quo and technical routes of artificial intelligence development at home and abroad,the application scenarios and technical breakthroughs of artificial intelligence technology in thermal power industry is deliberated,,and the technical development direction of artificial intelligence in thermal power industry is discussed.An analysis is made of the technical routes for development of computer vision,big data,Internet of things,intelligent control,intelligent robot,which are needed in perception,decision making and execution in the production and operation process of thermal power enterprises.The application of artificial intelligence technology in safety management,production management and business decision-making scenarios is discussed,and the typical application cases are introduced.The key research direction of the artificial intelligence technology in thermal power industry in the future is put forward.
作者 华志刚 范佳卿 郭荣 汪勇 吴潇翔 HUA Zhigang;FAN Jiaqing;GUO Rong;WANG Yong;WU Xiaoxiang(Strategic Research Institute of State Power Investment Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100034,China;Shanghai Power Equipment Research Inst.,Shanghai 200240,China;College of Information Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China)
出处 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期198-207,共10页 Electric Power
基金 国家电力投资集团有限公司重点科技项目(燃煤机组三维数字化状态检修与运行优化系统技术研究及示范应用,TC2019HD10)。
关键词 人工智能 火电行业 生产经营 计算机视觉 智能机器人 artificial intelligence thermal power industry production and management computer vision intelligent robot
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